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A/N this chapter is longer than my normal chapters for some reason but whatever enjoy

^Baby, I'm on the hunt, Baby, I got my target on you,^

After Harry dumped the plate all over Louis, Louis tackled Harry to the floor rubbing his blue cheek on Harry's shirt.

"That's what you get," Louis said sitting up so he was straddling Harry's waist. Harry pouted, twisting his blue painted hair on his finger.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, looking down at him.

"I don't have any clothes, and mine are all painted." Harry said gutting out his bottom lip. "And it's all your fault." Louis resisted the urge to swoop down and kiss Harry's pouty lip, and instead grabbed his cheeks pinching them. Wait, what back up, kiss him? What the hell? Slow down Louis. He thought to himself.

"It's okay you can borrow some of mine, or Z's I'm sure he wouldn't mind, I don't at least." Louis said jumping off of Harry's lap and walking to the door. Louis had decided in his head Harry was going to let Harry clean up at his house. "Zayn, I'm letting Harry clean up at my place," Louis shouted only to get an 'okay' shouted back.

"Come on, love." Louis mentally slapped himself for using such an affectionate nickname towards the boy. What is happening, first he wanted to kiss him and now calling him love? Louis calm down. Harry jumped up from the floor walking to the door.

"I'll be back to help you clean up, Zayn." Harry shouted following Louis out the door. "Do you live far from here, because I don't really want to walk in the streets with blue hair." Harry laughed.

"No. I live right here." Louis said stepping two steps to his door.

"Oh." Harry said smiling.

"Here if you wanna take a shower my apartment is the same as Zayn's, except backwards." Louis said taking his shoes off, Harry doing the same.

"Do you have a towel?" Harry asked walking through the living room to get to the bathroom.

"They're in the closet in the hall." Louis said running past Harry in the hall to get to his room. Harry opened the closet he thought Louis was talking about seeing about ten towels piled unfolded on the shelf.

"Here, I think these will fit you." Louis said handing Harry what looked like sweat pants and a t-shirt.

"Thank you." Harry smiled taking the clothes and walking into the bathroom.

Louis walked into the kitchen strolling over to the sink. He washed out all the paint that was in his hair before drying it with a towel. He had gave Harry his last clean shirt so he was left to wear nothing but sweat pants, great. Louis wasn't very fond of his small tummy. Zayn said it was cute, he, however found it ugly. Well not ugly just, unattractive.

Louis pulled on some sweat pants his hair was almost dry making it look fluffier than usual. He heard the shower turn off meaning Harry was done. Crapcrapcrap! Louis needs a shirt! Blanket. Louis spotted a blanket thrown carelessly on the couch.

Harry walked out of the bathroom, hair dripping water onto his shoulders. A thump could be heard from the living room area making Harry worry Louis has fallen.

"Louis? Are you alright?" Harry asked walking into the room seeing Louis on the floor curled under a blanket.

"Hm? Oh yes, I'm fine. Just a little cold." Louis said shivering for affect.

"Why are you on the floor?" Harry asked cocking an eyebrow.

"You don't know me, you don't know my life." Louis said pulling the blanket over his head laughing. Harry laughed along walking over to Louis grabbing, what he hoped was, his feet and dragging him to the kitchen.

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