Secrect of the Neckless

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I fly to an school building, it's around 3:00 in the morning so I don't expect anyone to be there. As I walk in to the halways, I find a science classroom and deside to camp there. I take the neckless out of my pocket and look at it. The jem on the neckless is a bright green, somehow it glows. I look closer and see nothing out of the ordinary. I decide to use a microscope, because my dad did use to be a science teacher. On the microscope I go to x100, there are little scraches that look like words. I grab a flash light from the top coboard in the classroom, why the heck are they up there. I point the flashlight at the flat end of the jem and point it to the celling. Almost instently, a mesage lights up on the roof. This is what it said

Dear Hero, If you are in possestion of this item i am most likly dead and you have found out about your abilatys. This necklass is made of the most pure kryptonight I could find, The longer you were it, the more you lose you weaknesses. Now that I am dead do not go to the superheros, they will make you forget me. Insted, befriend every villan and learn their ways. And just keep in mind, I will always love you, dead, or alive.
Keep Smiling

I put the flash light back in the top coboard. I grab a peice of paper and a pencil and try to remeber every comic book villan there ever was.

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