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I sit in my room and look out the window. I see the ocean waves knock onto the docks. I see the huge ships come into docks. I don't know why but the ocean always fascinates me. I always see many different people come in and out of the docks. I never see them up close though. I'm not aloud to leave the castle and if I do I have someone by my side. It's kind of boring in the castle. There is nothing to do. The only thing I really do is practice my sword fighting with Dad. I love sword fighting. Dad loves that I love it, too. If I'm not sword fighting then I'm sitting in my room looking out my window like I am right now.

I wish I could go to the docks. I wish I could go everywhere. Mom and Dad don't like me leaving the castle though. I'm 19 and I am still not allowed to leave the castle! I'm getting sick and tired of my Mom and Dad. I decide to step away from the window and go down to the dining hall.

As I walk down the stairs Dad sees me and says, "Emma, the ball is tomorrow. Did you get your dress fitted yet?"

"No, I'm going to today." I said.

"I'll have Victoria come and fit you." Dad says.

I nods and walks down the rest of the stairs and into the dining hall. I see a bowl of grapes and grab a few.

All of the sudden I hear Mom yell, "Emma! What did I tell you about doing that!" I turn around slowly and see Mom with her hands on her hips. I slowly put the grapes on the table. "The ball is tomorrow and you need to improve on your manners! This is not lady-like at all! Start acting like a princess!"

I sigh and fix my posture.

I cuff my hands together and say, "Sorry, Mother."

"That's better. Did you get fitted for your dress yet?" Mom asks.

"No, Dad's already got it." I say.

"Okay, but I want you to cooperate this time." Mom says.

Last time I had a fitting for a ball I wasn't the happiest princess. Victoria was fitting me and I gave her the hardest time. I told her to scratch the dress and give me something I can move around in easier. She told me she couldn't and I kind of walked out of the room with the dress half on me and half not. Mom got so mad at me you couldn't believe it. Dad kind of laughed at first but then yelled at me.

"I will." I said.

I turned around and walked out of the dining hall. I start to walk back to my room when Dad stops me.

"Victoria is here Emma." I turn towards him and see Victoria by his side with a gown in hand. "You're ready for fitting. Go with Victoria."

I went with Victoria into the fitting room and stood on the platform. Victoria changed me into the dress and started pinning the dress in spots.

"I'm sorry for what I did last time." I say quietly.

"Don't worry about it Princess Emma." Victoria says.

I look out the window from where I'm standing and see the docks. I don't see a lot of ships today but I'm sure there will be tomorrow. As you know tomorrow is the ball but not just any old ball. This is a ball where I'm supposed to find a prince to marry. I'm not to amused. I want to marry for love and I know for a fact that I'm not going to be able to. I wish I could have something like my parents. Mom stole my dad's fiance's wedding ring for crying out loud. I mean she gave it back but still. They fell in love when they were on the troll bridge after fighting trolls. My dad wasn't even a prince! I know I'm not going to get a love like that but I can still wish can't I?

After a while Victoria steps back from me and looks me up and down. She walks around me and tugs at spots that were loose.

"You look gorgeous Princess Emma." Victoria says as she steps back again.

"Okay, can I take it off now?" I ask impatiently.

Victoria let's out a low laugh and says, "Yes, you may take it off."

I quickly lift it up above me and take it off. I grab my black pants and tug them on and my white shirt. I then grab my blue vest and put it on. I run out of the room and into my bedroom. I grab my black boots and throw them on. I also grab my sword belt and buckle it on. I take the sword from the side of my bed and slide it in the sword handle. I run back out of the room and down stairs. I then run outside and go to the spot where me and Dad practice our sword fighting.

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