Tinkerbell's Help

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I slowly get up from the ground and Killian sees me and helps me up.

"Let's go." Hook says starting to walk away from me and Smee.

Smee and I follow him deep into the island.


Hook stand in front of a treehouse and yells.

"Tink!" Some girl sticks her head out and sees us. She rolls her eyes and sticks her head back in. "Come on Tink! We need your help!"

"I'm done helping you!" She screams down.

"Just listen to me Tink!" Hook says almost giving up.

A make shift ladder comes tumbling down from the treehouse and Hook grabs it. He motions for us to follow him and we do. When I get up into the treehouse I see a bunch off little nicknacks scattered around the room.

"What do you want?" Tink says crossing her arms.

"I need Pandora's box." Killian said.

"And why might you need that?" Tink says.

"We just need it." Killian says frustrated.

"What's in it for me?" Tink asks.

Hook thought for a moment then said, "I'll help you get your wings back." Tink looked at Hook shocked. "But I need Pandora's Box first!"

"Okay. I'll do it." Tink says. "Meet me back here same time tomorrow."

Hook nodded and then started walking out of the tree house. Smee and I followed him out. When we all got to the bottom Tink grabbed the ladder and brought it back up to her treehouse.

"What will we do now Captain?" Smee asks.

"We'll go back to the ship and wait till tomorrow to come back." Hook says.

Smee nods and we all start walking back.


We get back to the ship and everyone starts questioning Hook. Hook finally yells out and basically answers everyone's questions.

"We found Pan! We are going to get revenge on the Bloody Crocodile!"

Everyone yells out a yay and lifts their fists. Hook and I walk into the Captain's Quarter's and shut the door. I sit on the bed and look up at Killian.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Ya, I'm good." I say.

"I thought I was going to lose you." Hook said walking over to me.

"I was fine." I say.

"No, Pan's shadow was ripping your shadow out!" Hook says.

That was what was happening?!

"I'm fine." I say.

He grabs my face and presses his lips into mine. I slowly stand up but he pushes me back down.


I wake up to Killian shaking my arm slightly and saying, "Swan. We got to go."

I get up and follow Killian out of the Quarter's. He tells Smee we are leaving and Smee tells us he'll keep everyone in line instead of going. Killian understands and we walk off the ship. We, again walk all the way around the Nightshade. It takes forever but Killian acts like it's really bad. We finally get into the forest and start our way to Tink's. Killian cuts huge leaves with his sword and makes a clear path. While we walk through the rough forest I start to get curious.

"How do you know Pan?" I ask.

"Well, I was stuck on this Bloody island for quiet some time." Killian says still making his way through the leaves.

"What about Tink?" I question.

"Again, I've been on this island for quiet some time." he says again.

"What's up with the shadow?" I ask.

"The shadow is Pan's shadow. It takes children from their homes and brings them here but they can't go back. They are stuck here forever." Hook says.

"What about the Nightshade?"

"Nightshade is a very poisonous plant. If you touch it you will die! The Lost Boys like to put it on the tips of their arrows, so if anything turns stay clear of their arrows." Hook explains.

"Lost Boys?" I say curious.

"The Lost Boys are the boys Pan takes from their homes."

I nod even though Killian can't see me. This place sounds terrible.

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