The Ball

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The princes started coming in one by one.

"Prince John of Bablo" the announcer shouted.

I man came in and bowed in front of me. He took my hand and kissed it.

"Lovely to meet you Princess Emma." he said.

I tugged my hand away from him and wiped the kiss off on my dress. He stood up and walked away sadly.

"Emma!" Mom said whisper shouting.

"Prince Kade of Camille" the announcer shouted.

I rolled my eyes as he walked up to me. He had a full head of hair and puckered his lips. He was the priciest Prince I have ever seen.

"Good Evening Princess Emma." he said as he grabbed my hand.

"And goodbye" I said slapping his hands off of mine.

He huffed and struts away.

"Emma, give these men a chance!" Mom said in her whisper shout again.

They called a ton of princes and I wasn't very interested in any of them. The ball was on now and music was playing. I'm now dancing with some Prince named Peter from Delbro. He keeps looking into my eyes but I keep looking away. He stepped on my toes twice and I'm getting frustrated. If it was my choice I would have already dumped the guy and left this stupid ball but it's not my choice. The song is finally over and I walk away from Peter. Another song starts to play and a man grabs my hand. I turn towards him and it's Hook. I go to scream but he holds his hand on my mouth. After I close my mouth he takes his hand away and starts dancing.

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper scream.

"Just was around and decided to go to a ball." he said as he looked around.

"This ball is strictly for princes only!" I again whisper scream.

"Well, as you said I'm a pirate. I do what I want."

I look at his hand in mine and see that his hook is gone and replaced with a hand.

"What happened to your hook?" I ask quietly.

"I can't go into a castle with a hook for a hand. They think I would come here to kill you or something hellish like that." he says.

The song is getting to the end and he lifts me up. He looks deeply into my eyes and I to his. The song ends and he sets me down.

"Good day, Princess." he says then walks away.

He leaves me standing in the middle of the ball room floor. I look around and see Mom starting at me. She starts walking towards me.

"I saw you dancing with that man just now. You seemed interested in him. Who is he?" Mom says.

"Who he? He's no one." I say shooing the subject away.

If Mom found out I was talking to a pirate she would kill me.

"Okay." Mom says and walks away.

A Prince comes up to me and asks me to dance. I have to say yes so I did. The rest of the night I danced with a ton of different men. It was so boring. The only interesting part of the night was Hook.

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