Chapter 1

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This is the sequel to the story "Love Him, Love Him Too"

You’re a jerk

You get wasted just to escape your problems rather than solve them

You kissed her, thinking it would be okay

Your magnetising touch that makes me want you more and more

Your mood can change within a split second

How you made everything so complicated between us

The number one thing I hate about you the most is that you made me love you

Your eyes

Your smile

Your laugh

That spark that always shines in your eyes

The way you whisper ‘I love you’ into my ear

How you’re willing to change your life just to be with me

The number one thing I love about you the most is that you made me love you

I read over what I had written. Reading the words made me want to cry. But I couldn’t. Not when I will have my entire English class staring at me. They all know what happened to Ally, but no one knows about Jason. Not even my friend Abby who was sitting next to me knew about Jason. Thinking about Jason just makes me want to cry and wish that I never met him. Sometimes I still wished that I should have listened to my cousin about him. But I didn’t.

I looked up from my work before I burst into tears. I glanced out the window that I was sitting next to, watching one of the grades play basketball in the distance. I continued to think about Jason. He is the one person who has changed my life for the past two months. He made me feel alive after the death of my twin sister.

I hated Jason, but at the same time I was in love with him. I chose to walk away from him after I caught him kissing my cousin. He said it was a mistake, but the thing is I’m afraid Jason will cheat on me. He is a twin like me. Well, I used to be a twin until Ally was attacked by a shark. While I was identical, Jason and his brother were non-identical. They shared this sixth sense and if one twin started having feelings for someone, the other twin will sense it and start having feelings for the same person. That’s how this whole mess started.

Trevor was the first twin I end up meeting. He fell for me first. When I first met Jason it didn’t start out well. He was drunk at this party he and his brother had. He ended up throwing up on me when he got too intoxicated. The brothers were different and it’s hard to believe they are twins. Trevor is kinder but he can be a jerk if he really wanted to, while Jason has this bad boy image. But under the bad boy image, Jason is this sweet and sensitive guy. He just put on the bad boy image to get attention since he gets left out a lot when people pay more attention to his brother. I end up falling in love with Jason. He understands me well. Sometimes I wonder if falling in love with him was a waste of time.

I should have listened to Lisa when she told me to stay away from the brothers. She had experienced the love triangle that you get yourself caught up in when both brothers fell for you. Both of them have this magnetising touch and you can’t help but fall for the both of them. I knew Lisa was protecting me from them, but I wanted to feel the thrill of the hectic love triangle.

But eventually everything got out of control. Jason and Trevor were fighting over me. Lisa and I were fighting. It was all too much pressure for me to cope with, especially when I have just lost my sister. Lisa knew exactly how I was going to handle everything even before it got out of hand.

Love Me, Forgive Me: A 'Love Him, Love Him Too' Novel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now