Tired Amber Eyes

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Wow. I thought, my best friend is beautiful. I stared at Remus sleeping on the couch in the common room, with his head in a book and his legs scrunched to his chest. His face looked so content with his lips slightly parted and his hair ruffled innocently, I felt a sort of sadness looking at my best mate. I was nothing more to him than a friend and that thought made me feel empty and bitter and in that moment more than any other time, I pitied myself. I could get girls all the time if I wanted, people fell for me all the time. But they were just people not Remus. Why couldn't he just love me like I love him, effortlessly. Wasn't it easy to love him the way I did? Wasn't it meant to be? Couldn't it just be the wrong time? And there it was, my hopeless attempts to grasp for some reason, search for some loophole or alternate universe in which my love for him wasn't unrequited.
My thoughts were stopped short when Remus made a sound of contentment and shifted his body languidly, across the length of the couch. My exhale turned into a sigh as I watched him settle, yet again, into a beautiful sleep. We had been sitting there studying, him on the couch me in a chair. It was empty except for us and the day had settled into a calm, starry, night. The only sound was the crackling of the fire and our mingled breathes. It was probably pretty late. I got up from my chair and walked over to Remus, gently placing my hand on the side of his head, and carefully removing the book from underneath it. As I did so, he moved slightly and opened his tired amber eyes looking immediately up at me, grinning. "Hey Rem, go back to sleep." I said not wanting to disrupt his sleep more than I had. He smiled a lazy, incredible smile melting my heart and blinked his squinted eyes. "Mhm" he grunted huskily laying his warm hand on top of one of mine that was still lingering on the side of his face. "Stay here, yea?" He said half asleep. " Yea, 'course" I replied bending down and kissing his head softly, letting my hand fall to my side again. "Thanks" Remus mumbled before drifting off again. And I stayed there, right where he asked me to stay.

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