Him And His Cigarette

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I sat cross legged on the small shaggy carpet that laid on my cold, hardwood, bedroom floor. My oversized sweater hung over my bare legs stoping a bit above my knees. Sirius and I were looking through a box of old records we bought from a garage sale for cheap."Take a look at this one." he said talking out of the corner of his mouth that didn't have a cigarette in it. He was laying propped up on one elbow. His long dark hair fell just below his naked shoulders and he only had a pair of faded blue fitted jeans on. He held out a battered looking Animals album. "Animalism?" I said looking up after gazing at the cover. "Yea, The Animals are a classic dude." He said puffing smoke out of his mouth. "Not so punk rock though.." I said jokingly and he pushed me by my shoulder. "What's punk rock then Moony?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "No come on I'd like to know. What does Remus John Lupin consider 'punk rock' hm?" Sirius asked amused. "You and your leather jackets and ripped jeans and unhealthy smoking habits." I said mockingly. "I asked what you thought was punk rock not what you thought was incredibly sexy." He said, exaggerating the words 'incredibly sexy', raising an eyebrow, and smirking. "Shut up you git" I said rolling my eyes. "You know what I think is punk rock? I think your legs are really punk rock." He said laying on his stomach now and running a hand up my leg placing a kiss on my thigh and sending chills down my spine. "But of course that's only if we're going by your definition." He took his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out in the ashtray near by. "Kissing me would be pretty punk rock too." He said getting closer to me until our lips were inches apart but I pulled back. "And you know what's even more punk rock than that? If you brush your teeth and get rid of that cigarette taste before kissing me." I said and he got up and put a hand on my cheek. "Yes darling," he said walking away into the hall and I could hear the sound of the faucet running seconds later.

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