Tears and Lots of Rain

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(They are in their teens here I think? Idk but sorry this ones not the best. I haven't been making very good one-shots recently but hopefully you enjoy;)

Rain fell, or more like thundered upon the roof of the dwelling. The sun was burning just below the horizon and the sky was like a dark sheet over the earth. The summer air was hot and disrupted by the heavy rain fall. The Lupins were just turning in for the night. Remus had had a long day and was exhausted. He had a part time job to have a little extra money for the summer and hadn't gotten much sleep the past few nights. He also hadn't been able to see is friend  for the past few days from his strict schedule of working and sleeping. So he decided on an early night and in the morning,on his day off, he would go and hang out with them. He stripped to his grey boxers and a loose fitting t-shirt lazily and jumped into bed and under the covers, sighing in satisfaction. He closed his eyes and started to fall into a deep dreamless sleep... 'TAP TAP TAP' his sleep was interrupted by loud abrupt tapping on his bedroom window that separated itself from the not as loud rain taping on it as well. He sat upright startled pushing himself against the head board of his bed and stared at the window. He flipped the covers off and got out of bed slowly. Approaching the window with caution as he got closer to the window he saw shaggy wet dark hair and drenched heavy looking clothes. He sighed in relief as he realized it was Sirius Black, only visible by the faint moonlight dancing upon his wet face. He quickly unlocked the window and pulled it up. "Sirius! What are you doing here!?" He said pulling Sirius in the window and out of the rain. "Are you insane? Come here." Remus said sternly pulling Sirius over to his bed and taking his blanket from the bed to wrap Sirius with. "Sirius you gave me a heart-" "Can I please stay here?" Sirius asked interrupting Remus mid sentence. At this point Remus pulled back from a poor attempt to dry his friend, in the sickening realization that he was crying. "Sirius, what happened?" Remus asked, his voice more gentle and serious this time. "I had to leave I couldn't stay" Sirius's voice was weak and cracked and his lip trembled as tears leaked from his eyes. He almost crumpled to the ground but Remus caught him and held him in a tight embrace. Remus knew he was talking about his family. He had never fit in there and he always hated his family this was bound to happen at some point it was only a matter of time.. "I came ou- I told them." Sirius said sobbing into Remus's chest. "Shh it's okay it's okay, you're with me now, you're home." Remus said stroking Sirius's drenched mop of hair. "Regulus he, I.." Sirius sputtered. "Shh it's okay you don't have to talk about it now." Remus said holding him tighter. Remus then felt an a sudden anger surge inside him. An enmity towards Sirius's family. How could they make him feel this way, neglect him, treat him like this. Did they see how broken they made him? He was falling apart in such an un-Sirius way that perhaps if he didn't look like Sirius you wouldn't believe he was. And somehow Remus, never seeing this side of Sirius, acted as though this happened every day, he knew just what to do. The right words to say, the right skin to stroke, the right ways to hold him. After what seemed like forever, Remus untangled himself from Sirius's arms, his clothes now damp from the close contact with Sirius's soaked ones. He went to his closet and extracted a sky colored t-shirt, black sweat pants, and underwear. "Here," he said setting the clothes on the bed next to Sirius. "You can change into those they might be a bit big, and then sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch downstairs,"
"No, I mean you could sleep in your bed I don't wanna keep you from-"
"I'm fine. I just want you to be comfortable. You're family." Remus said, without being cut off this time. Sirius got up from the bed and walked over to Remus who was still in just his boxers and a shirt, regrettably realizing so, his face turned pink. "Thanks, Remus." Sirius said looking away and smirking slightly. "I'll be on the couch." He leaned forward and pecked Remus's lips lightly retracting slowly and handing him the sweatpants. "I think you'll want those" he said before walking away leaving Remus with a huge smile, extremely grateful that he was feeling somewhat better.

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