You're drunk

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WARNING: smutish
This is a non magic 'au' sort of thing where the (in their early 20s) marauders all live in a flat together so hope you enjoy feel free to leave suggestions or feedback. :)

Ding. Ding. The clock rang twice marking 2 am. Remus was battling with his eyes struggling to keep them open. He was reading a book and laying on the couch. Sirius had gone out at about 10 drinking with friends and Remus could only imagine how he would be when he returned. Of course this wasn't the first time he had gone out drinking and had come back past midnight but all the same, it was a surprise every time. Usually he'd come in, hardly able to stand, and pass out on a chair until 12 the next day when the rest of the boys would find him in a swamp of his own drool. Other times he would rummage through the fridge and wreck the flat doing random things like playing darts from across the room or singing karaoke as loud as he could, causing everyone to wake up and get no more sleep that night. Either way, he was always an unpredictable mess.
Remus, though he wouldn't admit it (and everyone knew anyway), usually stayed up waiting for him. Tonight was no different. The latest he had been back before, was 5 am. He had snuck in, just as the sun crept up over the horizon, to find a conked out Remus on the couch in an upright position, and his mouth hanging open. And being a not-so-heavy sleeper, Remus awoke and hastily got up pretending he hadn't been waiting. "Oh hey came home have you? Had fun?" He said dismissing his previous state, severe case of bed head, and dried spit on his chin. "Yea.. Met a girl had a little "fun" I guess you could say. What were you doing down here?" Sirius had said. "Oh just fell asleep reading. Well see you." Remus ended quickly, running up the stairs and Sirius took note that there wasn't any book nearby.
Now it was only 2 am so although it was pretty late, it still wasn't the latest he had seen. Thump. He heard something like the heavy front door open and close and his drifting eyes opened fully. He sat up straight and quickly averted his eyes from the sound to the pages of his book. There was stammering footsteps down the hall until they came to a silence. "Moons, watcha reading?" Sirius slurred. "I'm home by the way," *hmph* he hiccuped. "Hey had a good night? Want me to help you up the stairs? Go to bed?" Remus suggested putting his unread book down and beginning to get to his feet. "No no I'm wanna stay down here with you" Sirius said with mixed words, pushing Remus back down with one hand on his chest and plopping down next to him on the couch. "Alright then." Remus said relaxing against the couch again. He really had no plans to stay down stairs. As soon as Sirius arrived he would go to bed and sleep without worry. Now he was stuck here for who knows how long, with a drunk Sirius. "I like your jumper. Is it wool or somefing or like cotton? I don't know what are these things made of?" Sirius rambled, taking the neck of Remus's jumper between his fingers and fixing his face in deep thought and confusion. "You know I don't know.. I was just gonna got to bed though.." Remus said as a failed attempt to escape this awkward situation. "NO! No stay here. Please? I want you to stay. I feel like we never spend time together." Sirius said putting his head on Remus's shoulder. "Sirius, we live together we see each other everyday." Remus said exhausted. "But do we really? I miss you.. And you.. Are really.. Cute." Sirius said changing the subject, poking Remus's cheek and and laughing drunkly. "Sirius. You're drunk. I'm taking you to bed, its late." Remus said getting up and pulling Sirius with him.
" 'm not drunkk, I'm simply.. I'm simply.. I dunno not drunk though." Sirius said falling onto Remus and putting his arms around his neck and his sweat glazed forehead into the hallow of his shoulder.
"Oh you smell good" Sirius said in a quiet husky voice breathing in. Remus's heart rate began to quicken and he wondered if Sirius was sober enough to feel it. "Mm you smell really nice." He said again running his hands down to the small of Remus's back slowly and putting his hands barely under the bottom of his jumper, meeting warm smooth skin. "C'mon lets get you to bed. Your drunk." Remus said reminding himself, more than Sirius, so he wouldn't give in. He gave a subconsciously feeble attempt at breaking out of Sirius's grip but it only grew firmer, melting him. "It's okay, let me." Sirius said softly moving his head to Remus's jaw staring at his lips. Remus could practically taste the uneven, alcohol ridden breath leaving Sirius's lips. This was a bad idea, he thought to himself, but maybe it would be just a kiss and that's it, it wouldn't be taking advantage of him necessarily... "Can I... Can I kiss you?" Sirius whispered at his jawline and staring up in his eyes. "If you wanted to."
"I want to."
Their lips met. And the phrase 'it feels so wrong but it feels so right' couldn't have been more accurate right then. Sirius's lips were dry from the countless amount of drinks he consumed and his mouth represented that even further. Remus tasted the whole insides of his mouth. He grazed the insides of his cheeks that tasted like whisky, and their tongues battled for dominance. "Uh" Sirius opened his mouth in a soft moan and they deepened the kiss yet again. It was becoming more heated and sloppy and less slow and graceful. "Remus please," he said running his hands further up Remus's bare back under his jumper that had stayed there the whole time. "Rem-" but Sirius was cut off by his feet leaving the ground and his mouth being bombarded once again. He circled his legs around Remus's waist, his ass held in place by Remus's rough hands. Sirius cupped Remus's face in between his hands and kissed his lips like he needed to, to survive. "Bed." Sirius spoke, breathlessly. "Oh, now you want to go to bed?" Remus asked flirtatiously. "Yes.please." Sirius stopped between kissing to say. "Are you begging? Is Sirius Black begging? I don't think I heard you, could you repeat that?" Sirius whimpered at the loss of contact for Remus to say these words, and the delay of going up to his room. "Please" Sirius moaned kissing and nipping at what little skin was exposed at Remus's neck. Remus then feeling like he could stall no more himself, stumbled upstairs with Sirius. When they got into his room he dropped Sirius on the bed and took off his blue jumper, while Sirius stripped to only his boxers or more like skin tight shorts. As soon as they both stripped they got back at it again. Both expelling moans shamelessly as they scavenged each other's body, up and down. They made the sweetest love to each other all night.

The sun shone upon the naked, intertwined bodies of Remus and Sirius. Remus opened his eyes and marveled at the sight in front of him; Naked Sirius Black lie asleep on top of him. Their legs intertwined, their arms wrapped around each other, and their bodies pressed close in what seemed to be a perfect world, a beautiful bliss. Remus ran a hand up and down Sirius's nude back, and he stirred. "G'morning love" Sirius said leaning on his arms and kissing Remus's upper chest. "Morning." Remus replied kissing Sirius head, continuing to run his hands on his back. "I liked last night." Sirius said lying down again on top of Remus and drawing small circles with his finger on his stomach. "Oh? I thought you'd be too wasted to remember."
"I wasn't that drunk. And I think I'd have to be really drunk to not remember that." Sirius said with a smirk
"Yea, well to be fair you did claim to be completely sober."
"Mhm. You should always listen to me I know best."
"I know that now. Like when you told me that you didn't want to go to bed yet"
"Yes exactly. It'd really be a shame if you'd went to bed alone."
"Yes, it would certainly have been a shame."

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