Whipped Cream

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Meant to put plot.. But really just skipping the plot and jumping right to the fluff. Not very long... Or very good, just a cute idea:)

Remus shook his head chuckling a bit, "You know,... what a foul git you are."
"What!!? Oh wow you know I didn't mean it like that Moony!" Sirius said hysterically, a smile playing at his lips.
They were in the kitchens, it was the middle of the night. They decided on a "late night snack" and were sitting around a table like the ones in the great hall only smaller.
"Well what am I supposed to think? You basically called me fat."
"No, no, no. I was just observing.. That, that sure is a lot of whipped cream." Sirius mused, his smile growing.
"Observing huh?" Remus questioned, cocking his head.
Sirius nodded his head at a rapid pace. "Yes observing."
"Oh then you wouldn't mind observing a little closer, would you?" Before Sirius could process what Remus had said, there was a fat glob of whipped cream pasted to the side of his face, and a huge, evil smile on Remus's.
Sirius was frozen for a moment watching Remus biting the smile on his lips and trying to analyze what Sirius's next move was.
"You little bastard..." Sirius muttered as he simultaneously wiped his face, scooped up some of his own whipped cream, and stood up to get revenge. Remus also got up. To, of course, run away all the while laughing at the nonplussed look on his friends face.
"Come here you!" Sirius yelled as he chased Remus around the table. Without much effort he managed to walk right across the table to where Remus was and grab him by the back of his shirt, pulling him into his arms. Remus's back was pressed firmly against the front of Sirius and the laters arms were wrapped tightly, keeping his victim in place. "Nooo!" Remus pleaded as he snaked his head trying to avoid Sirius's whip cream filled palm. Finally, Sirius pushed his hand into Remus's face, rubbing it all over to make sure he didn't miss a spot. Remus gave a long groan, and turned around in Sirius's arms. Sirius laughed as he saw what a mess his friend was.
"Oh shut up"
"Well you started it, to be fair."
"You? fair?" Remus contradicted, amused.
Sirius huffed. Staring right at Remus as there was a few seconds of comfortable silence until, quietly, Remus said, " I think you have a little bit of.." He finished his sentence by taking his finger across the length of Sirius's cheek to remove the whipped cream there. His arms then settling around Sirius's neck.
"Yea, you too."
Sirius extracted most of the cream from Remus's face with the side of his hand.
"Though you do look good in white... Very sliming.." Sirius commented with a smirk. Turning his head to the side to laugh, Remus turned his face back , resting possibly even closer than before, to his friend's.
Suddenly both of the smiles were gone from their faces.
"Hey,.. Can I kiss you?" Sirius whispered. Eyeing the mouth in front of him.
"Mm.. Yea.." Remus replied breathlessly, letting Sirius tilt his chin up so their lips would meet, and closing his eyes. He then enjoyed the sweet, warm, sensation that was Sirius.

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