Chapter Nine

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"Corby has told you about the famous Brazil Giulio, yes?"

I nodded in response.

"Well as you know, Brazil had followers and enemies. His plans were to open all gates separating the dimensions and to let humans and magic folk live as one. Now listen carefully, you too Corby. I know we've told you about the issue we are trying to solve, but not from where it originated. This much you don't know." Corby's ears perked up with intrigue.

"After the news of Brazil's death, a woman devoted her life to researching the ways of time travel and recruiting people who felt as strong as she did for Brazil's causes; she was desperate for revenge. She gradually became more powerful, and one day called on the powers that none of us magic folk have ever dared to do again... she pleaded the Gods to take her back in time, to change the past so that Brazil would succeed and the two worlds would share as one. The Gods were amused by how pathetically infatuated she was with Brazil, to offer her life for such an idiotic cause. Although she was a devoted lover the Gods could see straight into her black heart... they granted her the gift of time travel. Well, they didn't exactly grant it to her. They forged a creation to symbolise time itself which they handed to the woman. She abandoned her followers and headed into the future herself... except she wasn't able to change it. All she could do was watch the man she admired be brutally slaughtered again and again until it drove her insane. There she remained, trapped in time for hundreds of years."

"The MDG had kept watch on her before the Gods had trapped her but because she was lost in time her threat was no longer an issue. Somehow, there was a giant outburst in the current of time. We felt the disruption in the atmosphere. Someone, or something, must have upset the flow...she was released into a dimension between dimensions, like a limbo. She lost the ability to travel in time as the object she held was lost in the disrupted current. We know this because if she still possessed the device, she would be here with us by now, tearing our lands to pieces. Since before contacting the Gods no one has seen nor heard from her. She hides in the shadows, probably trying to create a plan to not only re-unite the magic and mortal world...but after going madly insane, to probably destroy them both in the process."

I was totally overwhelmed. Everything seemed to be going too fast, like my life was rushing ahead of me and I needed to keep up. It was just a few weeks ago that I had been helping my auntie on the market and suddenly I was worrying about an evil revenge-stricken women that wanted to destroy all the dimensions in existence. By the look on Corby's face I could see that he was just about as shocked as I was.

"Why didn't you tell me all of that? You told me about the creation of time, but why not this woman?"

"You're the messenger boy, Mr Keegan, not a member of the MDG." Corby folded his arms in annoyance. The pair then turned to look at me.


I couldn't speak. It was all too much to take in and nothing seemed real anymore. Nothing was logical.

 ".... Dear?" My mind considered the possibility that I was dreaming. It was the only logical explanation. I would never get the chance to see my family again. I had been dragged into another world to fulfil a purpose I was unsure of.

"Genevieve? Are you alright?"

It was impossible to think straight. I knew that I needed to stop thinking, gain control over my thoughts. All that mattered now was helping. Dream or no dream, I had to help Rod, Madame, Corby and the members of the MDG. Even if it meant that all I was good for was sweeping the floors.

Genevieve Violet: Lady in MagicWhere stories live. Discover now