Chapter Forty Five

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The two boys entered the room. I hoped beyond hope that they hadn't killed Corby.

I grabbed the dagger and Amanda's knife from Phoenix's ashes. With one swift motion of my foot, I knocked the blunt knife underneath Madame's desk... just in case the boys decided to use it against me. With the two sharp implements held tightly in my hands, I backed away and slammed against some of the jars, knocking them to the floor.

The twins moved slowly together, blood dripping from their fangs. They attacked me as a pair at first, both lunging for me at the same time. I was quick enough to move out of their way as they collided into more of the jars. Sweet liquid soaked the bricks as it zoomed through the cracks, back through the pipes and onto the floor once more. Unfortunately, whilst avoiding their attack, my grip loosened on the knife and it fell to the floor. I had no time to retrieve it, but I still clung to the dagger from Amanda's dimension. The couple split, and this time came to attack me from both sides. The white boy gradually seemed to grow closer as the black boy moved backwards to block my escape through the red door. I stared straight into its round, black eyes as the white raised its claw-like hands. It crouched lower and lower, as if ready to pounce upon me. Soon, it had me cornered by the main door. I pushed myself as far away from the monster as possible. My wounds ached and my head throbbed, but all I could think about was the dagger in my hand. He lunged down even further and then prepared to pounce.

As he flew towards me, claws grasping out and ready to sink into my skin, I blindly thrust the dagger forward. With seconds to spare, the boy sensed my move and mid-air he transformed himself back into the white dove. He looked towards the black as he too morphed into his original form. They both flew on top of the large clock. Whilst perching, they both screeched at the tops of their voices. I instinctively covered my ears with my hands and accidentally dropped the dagger. It was then that the birds decided to strike. They flew at full speed, claws outstretched and beaks open.

I pulled my arms above my head as they began to attack me. They screeched and screamed with glee as they bit into my arms and pulled at my hair with their razor sharp claws. I bent down very slowly and picked up the dagger, but I couldn't strike easily. I covered my eyes with my arms for protection. I staggered across the room, desperately trying to reach the red door opposite me.

Desperation took over my senses and I raced towards the door, but tripped as I caught my foot against the fountain. I lay on my front and threw my arms forward, desperately clawing my way towards to door. The doves closed in around my face and attached themselves to my head. I grabbed onto the dagger incredibly tight, and blindly began hacking at the creatures. I could hear them crying out with rage and agony. Their hesitation gave me the opportunity to pull myself to my knees and attack the birds with all my might. I sliced the black bird five times in the stomach before it finally fell to the ground.

It morphed back into a boy and I could see that I'd almost chopped him into separate pieces. As he lay dying, the white bird flew above him and called out mournfully. I attempted to cut the bird in half but it avoided my attacks and landed beside its brother. The white dove transformed back into its larger body as it screamed at the face of the black boy. Sorrow flashed through the boys eyes, before he turned to face me and they were overcome with hatred and anger. They had turned completely red, matching the colour of the flesh dangling from its jaws.

It snarled at me and tried to claw at my leg. I screamed and immediately ran from the room, holding onto one side of the red door whilst the boy tried to open the other. I screamed and cried in total fear and frustration as the strength of the monster overwhelmed mine within moments. I ran down the stairs and tried to stab the creature as it was no more than inches away from me, when suddenly it stopped. I kept on running, not taking my eyes away from the creature. I noticed that its eyes had turned into a darker shade of red as it smiled evilly at me. I wondered what it was planning, whether it was going to chase back after me or whether it would flutter back into a dove in an attempt to peck out my eyeballs. I then crashed into something and fell backwards. I looked up slightly startled and saw Sweetest towering above me. Her face was totally masked by her dark hair, but I could see droplets of blood falling from her forehead. I made one last attempt to run, but she quickly grabbed me and pulled me into the air. My legs dangled as she held me much like she had held onto Amanda. She took me over to the wall and rammed my back against a dull nail that must have originally held a painting. I gasped as it pierced through my skin.

"I think it is time to finish this. It has been fun. Goodbye, you stupid little girl." She whispered to me, grabbing the golden dagger from my hand and aiming it straight at my eyeball. She toyed with me for a few moments, pulled her arm back and made her aim.

This was it, this would be my death.


I wasn't sure if it would work. It sounded ridiculous, in my head – a few mere words of a mere human girl could change the outcome of this situation completely. A few simple words... but even if Sweetest took my life, I had to let the others know the truth, even if she flung the tip of the blade deep into my eye socket straight after. I opened my mouth and practically screamed my sentence.

"Sweetest Mirabel is in league with the Faceless One!"

I screeched so loud and fast that I wasn't sure if anyone had actually understood what I had said. She stopped the blade millimetres from my eye socket. Her features were stunned for a moment, and then they contorted with rage. She turned around slightly to look at the others.

For a moment there was nothing, everyone's expressions remained the same. The white dove had made its way over to Corby and Rod, who were now close to each other. I thanked the Gods that both parties were alive. My heart sank as I thought my plan had failed.

However, as Rod and Corby looked towards Sweetest and I, their eyes widened.

They knew. They now knew the truth.

Sweetest screamed with anger. She blindly threw the dagger towards me and it sliced the hand I was using to protect my face. I cried terribly.

"Die, bitch!" She yelled one final time, before pulling the knife back and exacting one final plunge. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth outstretched into a frightening smile. I squeezed my eyes shut and hid my face into my bloody arms.

I heard a loud crunching sound. Her heavy breathing stopped. Her eyes grew wider than ever before. I looked up, and for a moment I actually believed that I had died and gone to Heaven.

Behind Sweetest, I could see a pair of very large, widespread white wings. Sweetest stared straight down at me, her expression remaining exactly the same. Was she an angel too? Had we both somehow been killed? Had we unknowingly floated up into the gates of heaven and found ourselves dancing upon the clouds? Were we now both Princesses, free to roam in the kingdom of Heaven? But the only white in sight was the colour of the giant feathery wings. Sweetest and I were both drenched in blood.

I looked at Sweetest. The angry storm had faded from her eyes. Her hair was encrusted with strips of blood and her extremely white skin caked in crimson and dirt. I looked at her doctor's smock, covered head to toe in blood red. Examining her torso, I noticed the huge hole in the centre of her body. Lying perfectly still in the deep wound was an outstretched hand. I stared at the hand, completely confused. Slowly, Sweetest's eyes began to close. Her lips fused shut, forming the very slightest of smiles. Her arms fell to her sides and she dropped me to the ground.

The hand withdrew back from the wound, and whatever it was behind her grabbed her shoulders and threw her to the side. The colour from her lips drained as she lay on the floor. With the little life she had left, she moved her hand to the hole in her chest. That was the final move she would ever make.

I looked up. I saw the beautiful white feather wings. I saw arms, broken handcuffs still attached to each wrist. I saw blood. I saw fairly long, unkempt dark brown hair. Then, I saw the striking dark brown eyes.

It was Julian, and he was an angel. 

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