Chapter Forty Eight

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I opened my eyes reluctantly and stared straight into the faces of Corby and Rod.

"Genevieve! You're alive!" Corby gasped as he grabbed onto me and embraced me in a tight and loving hug. I went to push him away as I expected his action to cause pain to my wounds, but I felt no pain. I looked down at my uniform. I was clean, in a clean white dress. I watched Corby and Rod as they stood to their feet. I followed.

Rod was in his usual, goofy outfit...but it was clean, with no trace of blood. Corby's leg had been totally healed, and the only trace of injury on his shin was a small scar. He saw me staring.

"Julian did it, he cleaned it up nicely I'd say! He did it before he touched your pocket and then he disappeared... We thought you'd died, you had no pulse. But you're here!" He rushed forward to hug me again. I pretended to vomit at his over caring attitude. He looked at me in annoyance for a second, and then smiled lightly.

We all stood in silence. I looked around the household. I remembered that giant front door, the sweet smelling aroma of the shop when I had first entered. Mine and Madame's first meeting, my meeting with Rod and Julian, learning of his dangerous temper, the appearance of Corby, the attack on the house, Madame's coma, learning of Brazil, calling upon the Dark with the MDG...each memory would stay in my mind for all eternity, each as fresh as the next. The house was in ruins; the kitchen destroyed, the fireplace covered in remains, the furniture broken, the scattered dead bodies of the different members, the broken paintings, the door to my bedroom ripped off of its hinges and exposing the bed that I slept in every night. Madame's room, seemingly still locked.

"Where did Julian go, anyway?" Corby asked quizzically.

"Julian is gone. His purpose is fulfilled, and all along, his intentions were pure... he is the strongest man that ever lived..." Rod and Corby both looked at me with raised eyebrows and I half smiled in response. They did not ask any more.

"This mess...this destruction... I must inform our leader." Rod said as he looked over the room. His eyes glistened with tears. I noticed his gaze linger on Madame's corpse. Corby and I looked at the ground mournfully. "Everything is about to change..." Rod whispered, more to himself than anyone else. There was a further moment of silence.

"...So what happens now?" I heard Corby ask. Rod sighed.

"As the last remaining member of the MDG, I must seek our leader at once. You two..." Rod looked at us with sorrow in his eyes. "You two have been through enough. Your duties as the MDG's messenger, Corby, are dismissed. I want you both to lead peaceful lives... you need to get as far away from this mess as possible."

"What are you saying?!" Corby yelled, louder than either Rod or I would have liked. "I won't back away just because you tell me to! My life, for as long as I can remember, has been devoted to the MDG! I won't back away, Rod, I want to help, for Madame, for Angus...for everyone!" Corby's face had flushed with passion and he looked slightly startled at his own outburst. He looked at the ground, waiting for a scolding from his superior. I placed my hand on his.

"I give you the option of peace, and you turn it down so forcefully?" Rod asked, staring straight at Corby. Corby did not move a muscle.

"Surely you, Genevieve... you must long for an escape. So young...having been through so much..." Rod whispered again.

Unlike Corby, I pulled my eyes from the ground and stared straight into his. I knew what I wanted, and I knew what was needed.

"I came into this world with an unclear purpose. You and Madame welcomed me into this home. I fulfilled my purpose... but I will not leave now, not after everything. I..." I looked towards Corby, and then back at Rod. "...We, want to help. I might just be a little girl, but I can be of service to you, Rod... I want to help you in every way possible. That is, if you will let me..." I whispered my last sentence and waited for a response. Rod stared at the pair of us for a moment longer, until a small smile crept over his face.

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