Chapter 8//the baby deer

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Suga:"oh this is nothing I just fought a vampire a couple of decades ago"

Jungkook:"boy or girl"

Suga:"it was a female"

Jin:"you got beat up by a girl I didn't know you where that weak"

Suga:"shut up I'm going to sleep"

Pink group

Maddys pov

We went to the university to sign up and look around a little since we had forever to retry high school we all had great grades so it wasn't surprised when they said we got accepted. After all Sarah made us study at least 3 hours every day.

Jen:"we got accepted"

Elizabeth:"awesome when do we start"

Lee:"tomorrow so we got to go shop today for the supplies"

After all of the shopping and all of the whining we went to a restaurant and started to eat when we got home Olivia was acting rather strange.

Sarah:"Olivia are u okay"

Olivia:"yeah I think so"
We watched her as she lung herself to the couch we organized the supplies and got ready for our university tomorrow.

Olivia was really strange she kept staring outside the window and looking at Lee A lot of times I didn't really  paid attention until I notice Olivia getting up and walking towards Lee and in her vampire form.

"OLIVIA" I yelled everyone looked at me and Olivia.

Olivia:"I'm I'm sorry"

Lee ran to our side.

Jen:"why are u in your form"

Sarah:"she needs blood we need to go hunting tonight"

Lee:"agree before someone kills someone" she said while staring at Olivia.

Sarah:"we'll go out at midnight"

We where all excited we rarely go hunting because we only need blood once a while but I guess after all those blood in the BTS house some where mixed with human blood which means we need blood more often.(once they drink human blood they'll need more blood because their body is reacting to it and is saying feed me more if they keep drinking human they could become pures but they won't do that their good vampires remember)

Midnight strike

We wore our black clothing and jump out of the window into the dark .

We went to the woods and stared searching Lee found a scent of a deer and followed it and we where close behind.
The deer was huge and it would feed us all.

Lee first got on all 4 and showed her teeth and eyes
The deer saw her pink eyes and ran when Sarah came flying down a tree and hold on to the deers neck before biting it.

Our 2 oldest Sarah and Lee usual do the hunting because well their the oldest and that none of us want to kill but we have to one must die for the others to survive it's the sad truth.
It was scary to know that the one that we killed was a mother.

The baby so small so precious

Was hiding

Under the rocks

I felt like a monster

We all heard its cries we looked at each other than the mother. Sarah forgot to exam it to see if it was a mother or that if it was in juried. The deer got up and fell down

That broke my heart even more

It was a newborn

Not a couple of hours born and already it has lost its mother. Now I know what your thinking well some it's just a deer well no it's still a living creature and we should respect all living creature.

We looked at each other the deer came closer to Sarah which I guess is because she thinks it's her mother cause of the blood that was on her.

It doesn't know that we killed the mother it doesn't know it thinks we are the parents

We decide to keep it I mean we have an basement that's not used and nobody was thinking of leaving it In The woods heck there's wolfs and other animals that might hurt it.

We took turns holding the deer and holding it at lease a mile away from her mother we didn't want her to see us.

We took it home it was a beautiful creature I mean have u ever look closely to a deer they look beautiful and cute especially babies.

We named it vampire no reasons 😂😂

Lees pov

If where gonna have to raise vampire where gonna need some information on how to care for a deer.

After about 5 hours on the Internet and learning everything we need to know we went and brought everything before going to the university.

We put tons of grass and trees to our basement so it'll make vampire feel like she's still outside and we made the walls green we left some water and before we left we bottle fed her milk don't ask how I got it.

And it was time to go to the university

We had different class but some class we have are the same.

Olivia's pov

I went to my first class it was okay and boring but u know I just have to suck it up and went on to my second class.

I went in and sat down and the professor came in and I waited for him when a man came in and said

"Sorry I'm late"

My heart I could of sworn jumped so loud the whole damn room heard it

I just have a question


Alright alright 99 reads and I have OCD so like HURRY UP AND GET ME TO 100 also don't forget to follow me

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