CH. 3: somethings wrong with Kakarot....

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(Vegetas POV)

I gazed down at the limp cat before me. I was speechless. "Holy shit..." it all happened so fast, I was actually kind of surprised. But then I took note of the heavy breathing behind me. I turned around, and my eyes widened, as I looked at Kakarot. His eyes were dimmed, and his teeth bared sharp. I've never seen him lash out like that before. I mean, I know we were being attacked and needed to act fast, but the fact that Kakarot just straight up snapped a cats neck without hesitation was startling. But I tried my best not to dwell into that thought to much, as I carefully walked over to Kakarot. "K-Kakarot?..." he replied with only a grunt, as he turned his shallowed eyes to me. My body tensed. Something was wrong with him. It wasn't just hunger and exhaustion. I didn't know what his problem was, but I was determined to find out. 

I took a few more steps towards him, and I noticed how he leaned back slightly, making me freeze.  I looked at him for a moment, before sighing out. 'Looks like I'll have to take a different approach' I took a deep breath and exhaled.  I looked up at Kakarot, before softening my features, and giving a kind and reassuring smile. This made Kakarot tilt his head in confusion, as he eyed me suspiciously. I lowered my hands, which I had before reached out with in an attempt to touch Kakarot. I tried to relaxed, as I watched Kakarot with a gentle gaze. I soon began to visually see Kakarot relax as well, and I saw him give a look as if he was thinking. He then sighed, before giving me a serious look. He trudged over to me, slightly hunched forwards, and he stared me directly in the eyes, showing no sympathy. My eyes widened as I backed up slowly. But I lost my footing and tripped back, falling.  But before I could hit the ground, I saw a flash of orange and black, before I felt someone grab my wrist. I gasped as I was tugged forcefully upwards, and steadied myself. I turned my head and looked at Kakarot fearfully. He simply stared back with a blank expression. I bit my lip, as I looked down. He was still holding my wrist. Tightly. It actually kind of hurt, but I sucked it up. Then, I felt myself getting tugged towards the cave entrance. I stumbled, as my for some reason shaky legs tried to balance themselves.  "Gah-!! K-Kakarot, stop, what are you doing?!!" But Kakarot just marched to the entrance of the cave, and he crouched down to it, pulling me down with him. I was forced to squat next to him, as I gave him an angered glare. "Kakarot, for fucks sake, what the hell is going on with you?!" But Kakarot ignored me, which only made my anger rise. "Grrr, Kakarot you better answer my question right fucking now, before I-!!" But I didn't get to finish my sentence,  as I was painfully yanked forwards, and put face to face with a fuming Kakarot. My breath caught in my throat, and my face turned pale as I heard Kakarot speak, in almost a growling and pissed manner.

"Listen to me Vegeta... im going through some deep shit right now, and your complaining mouth isn't helping!! I just saved your fucking life, so the least you can do is shut up!! Now, as for why im pissed?!... well, lets just say, im hungry, Im fucking tired, I just had to kill two of my good friends, AND" he pulled me closer. "And.... I have to drag around a pathetic prick like you, who can't even handle a fucking cat!!! So either you shut the hell up, or actually make what comes out of your mouth something useful!! Because I really don't think I can take much more of this Vegeta, and im sorry for yelling like this, but if you actually focus on something more than avoiding those sick freaks outside, then I'd really appreciate it!!" My wrist was beyond broken at this point, I was certain. I couldn't find any words to say, as Kakarot huffed, before slipping through and out of the cave, still pulling me along. I could actually feel myself shaking, and I felt a little scared. As much as I didn't want to think about it, I knew there was something more than just me, hunger, and tiredness that was bugging Kakarot. I could see it in his eyes and his movements. He was nervous. He was hidding something that he didn't want me to find out about. But I was going to find out either way, whether he liked it or not. But I just hoped that Kakarots anger quites down, because I think my wrist just lost all serculation. 

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