CH. 10: Instinctual Direction

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Vegetas POV

We walked for what felt like an hour. To be honest, I didn't fully comprehend where we were even heading anymore. But Kakarot certainly didn't seem to mind the long journey we were taking. He walked and pranced like a fawn in early spring. Normally I'd find his cheery, happy demeanor annoying and unnecessary, but something about seeing a little positivity from him again after all the stuff we went through left me with a sense of comfort. We had gone through Hell and back, but the idiot was still able to smile wide for the world around us. A world that was slowly decaying and ripping itself apart as we moved on. It sucked, and I wished it were a dream. In fact, for a while I hoped and prayed that is was a dream, and that this was some insane experiment that Bulma- that WOMAN had decided to use me for in my sleep! But my hopes were beginning to fade as reality became more clear.

The throbbing in my head had stopped, and I actually forgot my injuries existed. We seemed to have ventured to an untouched part of the Earth, a location that those zombie-like freaks haven't bothered to explore. Although I doubted they even had the mindset anymore to understand the feeling of nervousness or anxiety, they'd probably come sauntering our direction as long as they knew where we were. Danger didn't seem to be part of their genetically modified brains anymore. Those bastards probably would go after a fly the moment they'd see one, becoming nothing but a desperate heap of worthless bodies attempting to snatch a tiny insect like it was their reason to live! If they were even alive that is.

But I didn't wish to think about those disgusting monsters any longer, so I forced my thoughts away to pay attention to where we were going. I guessed we were instinctively stepping towards somewhere safer, like higher elevation. It would be a good place to camp out until we could devise a plan to sneak back and retrieve Bulmas antidote to despose of this infection forever. All it took was giving it to one infected person, simple as that. But it couldn't eaten, had to be injected. Digesting the serum wouldn't work, Kakarot or I would have to find some way to insert it into an arm or leg- maybe even the neck. Then, the injected victim of choice would change and single out its own kind. It would choose to pass the properties of the antidote on to other 'zombies', until the only thing they were all attracted towards were themselves. And then, the cure would slowly work its magic and kill the infection, fixing everyone who was bitten. It was honestly a genius plan, I'll admit. Bulma worked wonders of her own, but she couldn't use her intelligence save herself now. I was damn sure she fell victim to the disease. The fact didn't hurt me as much as it should, probably because I knew that sobbing and feeling angry wouldn't work. I had to stay strong like a real prince, a leader of the Saiyan race!

And besides, it wasn't like I was alone in this. Kakarot hardly left my side throughout our mission, except for the times he acted like a weird, lost minded dog. I felt a sudden shiver go up my spine as I recalled back to his odd, out of character behaviour. God, was it freaky. I'd say the moron was scarier than those mutants, but now that he was seemingly back to his old self, maybe I was just mistaken? I mean, I didn't know him as well as his innocent friends, so perhaps that kind of attitude was more 'normal' than I thought? But, he didn't seem like the kind of person to act so....cruel. Making me feel so pathetic and weak- and even afraid wasn't like him. I understood him that much to know. But now he was walking next to me with a smile, which I assumed was his failing attempt to lighten the mood. But I guess I should appreciate his determination, that attribute of his would be useful.

And so we set ourselves out to higher turf, our feet making one of the few sounds around us. I looked straight with fixated eyes, following my gut feeling. And I couldn't see Kakarot with my head facing the way it was, but something told he was listening to his instincts as well. It was like a weird, stringy and muffled connection we had. I simply KNEW he felt what I did. But it wasn't like a maternal bond or instinct betweens us, more like kinship. We had grown to understand eachother well enough not to use words. But, I've already made that clear earlier.

And I soon became pleased when we reached an open field. It was much more spacious than that small meadow in the woods. It was an actual FIELD, like grasslands without hills. And the grass was kind of more brown than green, but that didn't matter. I only had to glance up to see our destination. Huge, rocky mountains in the distance were calling us. They seemed to loom and tower over everthing in the area, but I could see their peaks ever so slightly amidst foggy clouds above. That was where we needed to go. "Kakarot." I said seriously. He looked at me with curious eyes. "Yeah?" He replied. I smirked, raising a hand to point towards the mountain range. "Do you see that? Over there, in the distance?" I asked, tilting my head back slightly in his direction. He walked closer to me, squinting his eyes. "....yeah, I see them. The mountains?" He questioned, glancing at me for answers. I nodded, lowering my arm back to my side. "Yep....exactly." I responded. And I took a few proud foosteps forwards, my sight set for the large, grey, distant rocks. "That's where we need to be."

A/N: "I'm so sorry for not updating this sooner! Writing block is a pain, but it's a relief to be able to get a bit of story done! I hope this chapter is ok, and I promise I have NOT forgotten about this story at all! I just don't always feel in the 'writing mood', you know? But here you go guys, another chapter! It's a bit short, I'm sorry about that, but I've kinda been in a busy mood lately. I hope you enjoy/ enjoyed! :D"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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