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Sapphires pov:
My window was still open from the last time I snuck out so me and Alice ran around back climbed a tree and jumped in my window. "You have a nice room" Alice muttered.
"Thx" I replied. "My mom and dad are probably going to be able to smell you so....I have to....um.....rub my scent on you....is that ok?..."
"Oh....yeah of course.." She replied. I slowly walked over to her trying not to make eye contact. Once I got over there she started to take her clothes off. I watched feeling moist at what else we could do with her clothes off. I started to rub my body all over her. I was holding in a moan of satisfaction that are bodies were touching. I could feel the heat from her warming my cold body. I rapped my arms around her waist and I slowly move up toward her breasts. They are the perfect size not to big but yet not to small. I was up to her face now and I just held her head in my hands. I stared into those emerald eyes and when she made eye contact with me I felt like she was staring into my soul trying to figure me out. At that I moved down to her legs and rubbed them up and down. Finally I reached her 'lovebox'. She gasped as I rubbed all over and I felt that she was also moist from me touching her. I put my finger inside of her and started moving a little but that was for my own enjoyment. I knew that she knew it was for my own pleasure because she suddenly pulled away. She gave me a death stare that made my heartache I thought that was what she wanted I didn't mean to make her mad. I got up from where I was kneeling only to get knocked back down again by a hand hitting my face. "So...why did you slap me?". But before she even answered the question I already knew the answer.
" Because you just stuck your grubby finger inside of my 'tuna sandwich' " she yelled.
" I thought that was what you wanted" I screamed back.
" let's get one thing straight here I'm not a lesbian I don't care if you are just keep your hands to yourself" she continued "you got that?"
" Yeah....sure" I muttered. 'Why did I have to imprint on her out of all people her. You can't choose who you imprint on but I sure as hell wish I could. I don't know if the imprint goes both ways but I'm going to go with it doesn't' I thought to myself. We stood there in silence but it was suddenly interrupted by feet walking up the stairs. As soon as I heard the footsteps I jumped up and flung Alice over my shoulder. She didn't protest because she probably heard the footsteps too. I gently set her down in my closet. Before I closed the closet doors I just had to look at her one more time. She was sitting there still naked her blond hair covered her breasts and her legs were crossed so you couldn't see her cult, the light from the window was shining on the side of her face making her look even more beautiful but I couldn't observe her any longer or I would be caught so I closed the closet doors and rushed to the main door of my room. I opened it before the person knocked and that person was my mom her hazel eyes look tired and her black hair look dirty and matted.
"Are you ok I heard yelling?" She asked me warmly.
"Yes I'm fine I was just reading a book" I glanced at my closet
"Well ok" she muttered
" bye" I said as I closed the door
"Bye". I plopped down on my bed and waited until I couldn't hear her footsteps. "You can come out now" I said. I heard the closet doors squeaking open. She walked towards me and sat down on the edge of my bed. I didn't say anything I didn't even move just laid there. I could sense worry coming from Alice and I knew she could tell something was wrong. Just as I predicted she asked "Are you ok?". I sighed because I knew she was going to ask that question and I didn't really want to talk about it.
" I don't want to talk about it" I moaned
" Why not?" She said as she playfully hit me with a pillow. I sat up and she looked kind of startled at my sudden movement but I brushed it off.
"I just...I don't want....I don't want to appear weak to you" all of a sudden her expression changed serious.
"Sapphire you don't have to be strong for me I can take care of myself " Alice said her tone serious.
" I know, I know it's just.....you know what it's nothing lets just forget this ever happened" I blurted as I stood up from my bed.
"No it's not nothing you were going to say something what is it" Alice demanded grabbing my arm.
"Look it's nothing so just leave me the hell alone" I said through gritted teeth so close to her that are lips brush together at that I back away towards my window leaving her alone to think by my bed. I stare out the window into the gorse forest thinking if I should tell her or not but of course I don't. I look back and I see that she's still naked so I walk over to my dresser and pull out a 1975 tee shirt and a pair of gray sweats that are to small for me. I threw them at her which she gracefully caught.
"Don't look" she whispers. 'She doesn't want me to watch because she thinks I'm a perverted freak' but I turn around anyway respecting her privacy. "You can look now" the blonde mutters. I turn around to see a gorgeous woman in a black 1975 tee shirt that's a little to big for her and gray sweats that fit her perfectly. I must've stared to long because she said "try not to drool" with a dumb smirk on her face.
"Right" I said shaking my head. I heard a little giggle from her and I couldn't help but smile. She looked into my blue eyes while I looked into her green ones and I felt like I was melting. "So...um...you can have the bed and I'll sleep on the floor" I informed her breaking eye contact.
"What! No I will take the floor it's your bed" Alice implied.
"You have slept on the ground to long" I said grabbing her bridal style and laying her on my bed. "Please just sleep on the bed" I whined
"Fine" she muttered. I grabbed some blankets from my closet and turned off the light. "Here's a pillow" Alice whispered as she handed me a pillow.
"Thx". Before me and Alice could get any sleep my little brother opens the door and turns on the light. I get up from where I was laying and walk over to my scared little brother closing the door behind him. Alice sits up in my bed with a confused look on her face. "He has nightmares" I inform her. She just nods. I pick up my little brother. "Hey you ok?" I whisper.
"No, can I sleep with you" Dylan mutters.
"Of course" I reply softly. I turn around to see Alice smiling at me. "What?" I ask.
"It's just that your so good with kids I never would have guessed" she confessed.
"Well are you impressed" I said giving her a flirty smirk.
"Maybe just a little" Alice replied smiling. I started walking back to where I was sleeping when I was interrupted by Alice saying "Why don't you guys come sleep in the bed with me"
"Are you sure?" I asked shocked that she would ask that.
"Yeah I'm sure". I walk over to my bed and place Dylan next to Alice while I sleep to next to Dylan. Dylan is already asleep. While me and Alice are still wide awake. "How old is your brother" she whispers.
"He's 8" I reply knowing where this conversation is going.
"Then why does he still have nightmares about his transformation?" Alice asked.
"Your supposed to turn when your 5 right, well he had his first shift when he was 7 that's why he still has nightmares once a month" I mumbled. Even in the dark I could see her concerned expression. " it's ok nothing's wrong with his wolf only that he's a little smaller than he should be" I quickly added.
" Wow....that's...wow" Alice stumbled over her words.
"Yeah...." I leaned over my brother and kissed Alice passionately. Our lips collide together. She kisses back and our lips move in sync. I hear a quiet moan from Alice and I keep going. She breaks the kiss for air and I lay down on my back slightly panting. Then we fall asleep.

A/N: so that was that let me know what you think. Later hippies ._.

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