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The sun shines slightly through the curtain hitting my face as I wake up from my dream. I roll around expecting to see my mate but I see nothing and I come to realization and remember what happened yesterday. I sigh and get out of my bed, trying to find something to wear. I end up putting on a gray Washington(the state) tee and blue ripped jeans.
I walk downstairs and put my walls up, showing no emotion. Once I get downstairs I am greeted by my siblings and we all go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Fern starts to cook the bacon, I make the pancakes, Ethan boils the eggs, and Dylan pours us our drinks and sets the table. "Thanks Dill" I said as I ruffle his hair. He just smiles up at me and says "No problem". We ate our breakfast in silence not even making eye contact. After we were done I took the dishes and put them in the sink.

I sat back at the table and this was the time to talk. I spoke first "What are we going to do with Alice" I continue " Mom and Dad are going to find out about her sooner or later".
"We could always just kick her out" Ethan mumbles not making eye contact. I growl at this giving him a death glare which made him back down.
"WHO THE HELL IS THIS" my dad yells from up stairs. For a second I felt my heart stop, I couldn't breath and I thought I was dead but then I snapped back into reality and sprinted up the stairs to where the yelling was coming from. "Who is she" he said pointing to my startled mate huddled in the corner of Ferns room.
"Dad I can explain, she's a lone wolf and she doesn't have a pack and we found her in the woods in a shed and-"
    He cut me off by saying "Save it". He let out a huge breath I could tell he was holding for a long time while he sat on the edge of Ferns bed. There was a long silence but I didn't dare speak another word. "What do you plan on doing with her" he said breaking the silence which was more of and order than a question.
                 "We don't exactly know yet" I confessed glancing over at my mate while I spoke giving her a reassuring smile.
              "Well that's just great" My dad sarcastically stated. "Well you had to come from a pack before you became a lone wolf so which one was it" He asked now making eye contact with the blonde in the corner. 'Uh oh this is not going to be good' I thought.
            "I-I'm a Lockhart" Alice stuttered. My dad just sat there in shock not uttering a word.
           "Dad" I tried to get his attention "Dad". This time he looked up at me with pure worry in his eyes.
           "She's kidding right" He mumbled giving a weak laugh. I just shook my head in reply. "Oh my god" my dad said. He started to pace around the room mumbling things to himself that we could hear but chose to ignore it.
            "Dad, it's really not that bad" I said trying to break him out of his thoughts. He stopped in his tracks right in front of me and stared at me for a while.
            "What do you mean it's not that bad, her previous pack is the most strongest pack in the state right now" he practically yelled. I sighed.
          "Yeah I know" I mumbled rubbing my temples. 'I'm probably going to have to tell him she's my mate' I thought. So I cleared my throat suddenly finding hard to breath. "She's my mate" I choked out. He stared at me in shock lost of words. He rubbed his hand over his face letting it drop back down beside his leg.
             " I can't believe this" The shocked alpha whispered.
"I'm sorry" I said halfheartedly. Finding the wooden floor really interesting at the moment.
"What are you sorry for, there's nothing to be sorry about, it's not like we choose our mates" My dad said, walking over to me to engulf me in a huge bear hug. I hugged him back relieved that he's not as mad as I thought he would be. "We need to tell your mother though" He stated and as if on cue my mother the female alpha came walking in.
"Tell me what" she questioned tilting her head slightly. Me and the male alpha both moved back so my mother could see the beautiful blonde now stuck with a dreadful scar on her face that I gave her. "....who is this" she asked calmly. I explained the whole story to her. She just stood there listening intently to what I was saying waiting till I was finished to say something. "Well I think that's wonderful dear" My mother said joyfully.
"R-really" I sighed. She just nodded and smiled. I gave her a warm smile back but the moment was soon interrupted by Dylan, Fern, and Ethan walking up the stairs to greet us in the doorway.
"Does anyone know what we're going to do with her yet?" Fern asked. Everyone was silent thinking of what we're going to do. The silence was soon interrupted by "I think I have an idea" Ethan shouted. I snapped my head in his direction giving him a death glare, my nostrils were flared and I was ready to attack. "It's not that" he said flatly. I visibly calmed down and asked "what is it then". He began to explain his idea to us. I got to admit it was a
Pretty good idea. It might take a little while but we aren't regular humans we can do it. Starting tomorrow I'm going to put my heart and soul into this project.

A/N: well I finally updated after like 10 years. I seriously have no excuse I just don't have the motivation to write....or type but whatever that's the end thanks for reading!!!!

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