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Sapphires POV:

It was morning. I woke up to the sight of Alice and Dylan playing some kind of board game. "What are you guys playing" I sleepily said as I sat up on my bed.
         "Monopoly" Dylan answered.
       " oh cool..." I said but I couldn't focus on what they were doing or what Dylan was saying all I could pay attention to was Alice. I stared at her for what seemed like forever. Her blonde hair flowing past her shoulders and her emerald green eyes that could make me do whatever she wanted, Her pale skin looked so smooth I just wanted to touch her. As I was still observing my mate she turned her head and we made eye contact. Her deep green eyes staring into my ocean blue ones. She slightly lifted the corners of her mouth before turning back to the game. Even though she smiled I could tell something was wrong but I decided not to say anything. "My parents went out for a run so we should get Ethan and Fern and talk about our situation and what we're going to do with you" I stated, slightly turning my head to look at my mate.
"Yeah sure.." She whispered. Me,her, and Dylan walked out of my room and got the others and told them to meet us in the basement. Our basement is a finished basement with 2 couches, a guest room, a family picture hung up on the wall, a pool table, and a tv. Fern and Ethan walked down the stairs and we all sat on the couches. I sat next to my mate and I could tell she was nervous. I put my hand on her back which sent shivers up my spine from the physical contact. She turned to me and gave me a thankful smile. I knew she didn't want to start the conversation so I did. " don't really know how to say this-me-I-we're-we imprinted on each other" I blurted.
"WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME" Ethan shouted "HER FROM A DIFFERENT PACK" He pointed at Alice.
"I'm not in a pack anymore..." Alice whispered.
"Oh great a lone wolf even better" Ethan sarcastically said.
"Hey don't talk to her like that. We may be family but that's my mate your talking to" I stood up growling in his face.
"Well she's a waste of space I don't understand how you managed to get her as a mate" Ethan said now standing up as well. Now we were both in each other's face growling ready to attack at any moment. On the couch I could hear Dylan crying not wanting us to fight but I looked away and tried to ignore him. I unsheathed my claws drew back my arm and was ready to claw my twin in the face until my mate did the dumbest thing she could have possibly done. She jumped in front of Ethan and instead of me clawing him in the face I gave her a deep cut on the right side of her face. I stood there in shock I couldn't believe what I just did. "Sapphire"
"Sapphire". I heard someone call my name but I was blocking everything out right now. Until someone came up to me and shook me out of my thoughts."Sapphire" it was Fern who spoke. "We need to get that cut cleaned up ok?" She continued "Can you do that?"
" I can do that" was all I managed to get out. I picked Alice up bridal style and started to carry her to the bathroom in the basement. She looked me in the eyes and gave me a reassuring smile giving me that look that says 'it's not my fault' but that's not what I felt like. I was going to beat myself up for this for the rest of my life. We got to the bathroom and I set her in the bathtub.
"Dylan I need you to go upstairs and get me a lemon" Fern said calmly. "Ethan I need you to go in the cabinet down the hall and get alcohol, a needle and thread, and a washcloth" Fern ordered. Ethan hesitated for a long moment and then rushed to get the stuff Fern asked for. "Now sapphire I'm gonna need you to keep her calm while we wait for Dylan and Ethan to come back ok" Fern gently said. I nodded and walked over to my mate and sat on the edge of the tub. I rubbed her sweaty blonde hair out of her face and looked deep into her eyes. "It's going to be ok" I continued "Ferns gonna make you feel all better" I said trying to keep her calm. Thankfully Dylan and Ethan came sprinting back with the supplies Fern asked for. I slid out of the way so Fern could do her thing. Fern took the lemon out of Dylan's hand and showed it to Alice. "Here bite on this, it will help the pain" Fern said handing it to Alice. She took it and bit on it not questioning Ferns orders. "I'm not gonna lie this is going to hurt..a lot" Fern said as she poured the alcohol on the side of her face.
"AHHHH" my mate screamed in agony at the touch of alcohol on her wound. I looked away at the sight of my mate in pain. It made me feel terrible like someone was stabbing me in the gut over and over again. After she poured the alcohol she wiped it off with the washcloth. Now it was time to stitch it up. Fern started to stitch the wound together and now my mate was in tears because the pain was agonizing. "Ok I'm finished" Fern stated. " in three days you need to come back to me so we can get those stitches out"
"Ok" was all she managed to get out.
"You might want to take her upstairs, mom and dad will be coming back soon" Ethan muttered. I glared at him even though I knew he was right. I grabbed my mate bridal style and carried her upstairs to my room. I laid her gently on my bed and plopped down right beside her. I thought I wouldn't cry but I did I broke down right in front of her. I can't believe I cried in front of my mate I was supposed to be the strong one. Alice sat up and said "hey it's not your fault ok, I'm the one who jumped in front of Ethan" she tried to stop me from crying by stroking my short brown hair that only came up to my jawline. She looked into my ocean blue eyes and kissed me passionately. It was a long kiss. Then we broke for air. That definitely got me to stop crying.
"Thanks" I whispered. She just smiled and laid back down.
"We should get some sleep it's been a long day" Alice advised. She was right so we tried to sleep spooning. I was the big spoon and she was the little spoon. I thought it was going well we were trying to sleep it was quiet but my mate kept squirming around trying to get comfortable. She shifted around to look at me. "I can't sleep with you" she whispered, keeping her head low not looking me in the eyes. I sighed because I already guessed this would happen. I got out of my bed and turned the lights on. She did the same. "I thought I could handle it but I can't..." The green eyed girl confessed.
           "Look I get I hurt you and now your scared of me" I murmured.
          "Sapphire it's not like that..its just-"
        "Alice please...just go..we both just need some time" I interjected. She didn't argue. Just nodded and walked past me out the door.
       "Where should I sleep" Alice whispered keeping her head low. I hesitated for a moment
       "Sleep in Ferns room, it's right next to mine, tell her that we're not ready to sleep together yet" I said leaving her alone as I closed the door. I sighed and walked over to my bed. I laid down on my bed and my wolf was whimpering because my mate wasn't here next to me. I finally managed to go to sleep. That night I dreamed about my mate...

A/N: Well that's it. Sorry I didn't update sooner. I would really like to hear some feedback on the story like if I should continue or if I need to improve in anything

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