Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Normani's POV

"Yeah Jauregui's got the right idea, I'm going to dance losers"

I picked up my D&G leopard print that was an early Christmas present from Marco, bloody tosser thought he was getting in, I bet he feels well stupid now. As fun as it's been up here I didn't come to a club to just play word games, I needed to dance.
"Oi wait up babe! Arin will come dance with ya" oh my god take a hint
"Hurry up then babes!" I yelled back rolling my eyes.

We walked down the staircase that led us to this huge dance floor and I was feeling pretty drunk so I decided to skip ordering a drink, I waved Arin off and started pushing my way through people until I reached the front of the stage where the DJ booth was. I'm not sure how long it took but soon enough I was being swarmed by hot Spanish guys, doesn't matter what country you're in, they all have the same tactic.

You know, the whole dance around you and make eye contact thing. Usually I like the attention, it's not like I don't know I'm hot or anything, I just like other people knowing it aswell so when guys are hanging off you like you're Britney Spears (before she shaved her head) it's a nice feeling. Anyway, usually I would tease them a bit to get them thinking they're getting in my pants, free drinks yeah?, but I'm not a slut I wouldn't like just fuck them that easy, I only sleep with people I date. Tonight is different though because she is here, I can feel her eyes watching as I sway my body to the beat.

"Fuck off" I casually said to some guy who was whispering fuck knows what in my ear, I hate that she has this power over me, like I can't even enjoy a hot Spanish guy rubbing up against me because then I'll end up feeling bad. I turned around to yell at this insistent wanker when I saw her, she was sitting up on the stage just watching me.

"Why aren't you dancing?" I yelled over the music, Ally just shrugged in reply, typical, she never gives me answers.

I decided to sit up on the stage beside her, it's not like I'm going to keep dancing with guys why she watches me, I'm not that much of a bitch. We sat there for a while, probably only like 5 minutes but that's a really long time when you're sitting down watching people dance and you want to be one of those people.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Ally asked
"Don't do that Ally" I sighed looking down at my heels that hung off the stage, she knew why I wasn't dancing so I don't need to voice it for her.

"Hey" she nudged me softly "let's just have fun yeah? want a pill?"
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S we flyin' first class up in the sky ... "Arghhh who the fuck calls at this time!" by the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, floss- "hello?" I said squinting at the light showing through the curtains "Mani! Hey how are you?" who the fuck is this?

"Who's this?" I snapped getting out of the bed "it's Demi, how are you?" fuck! "why are you calling me?" "Umm..well I was just, err is Camila around?" Where is Camila?
I frowned looking around "No she's probably out with her new girlfriend" Okay so I know I was over exaggerating but this bitch deserved it.

"...and you called her a slut you cow! So it's not like id put you on to her anyway, now if you don't mind I've got things to do, so you can just pretty much fuck off now yeah?."

I hung up before she could get a word in, stupid slag who does she think she is calling me! Fucking Mila needs to get her shit together; I'm willing to be like supportive and shit but when her ex's start calling me, there's a problem.

I walked over to the bathroom door needing water because my head's fucking killing me "JESUS!" what the fuck did I do last night!. My reflection this morning wasn't pretty, the pink extension I had in is somehow attached to the straps of my dress, my hair is ...I can't even, and my face! Did I cry last night? What the fuck!
I hopped into a warm shower trying to remember what actually happened to make me wake up looking like Jordan on crack but realised it was useless by the time id finished washing my hair, got dressed and still didn't know. I can remember going there but that's about it.

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