Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

"So babe, whadaya say? me and you could have some fun together" Arin waggled his eyebrows. We had been on the bus for around an hour and a half so far and the whole time I had been entertained by Harry's magic tricks, Arin's advances towards Normani, and Dinah telling me everything she could possibly think of about herself. They're a lively bunch, Arin seems like a bit of a dick but his determination to get in to Normani's pants has been amusing thus far. "Babe, I'm not being funny, but you look like microwaved shit so you're gonna have to do better than that" Normani smirked. She's enjoying his attention, it's more than obvious. I giggled as Arin feigned a heartbroken look holding his heart. "What about you?" he grinned. Normani scoffed as I informed him that I'm gay. "Yep, tits and V I'm afraid" I smiled. "Oh my giddy giddy giddy aunt" I heard Harry whisper to himself. "They all come to me in the end, you know where I am" Arin winked before turning in his seat.

I glanced over at Lauren who was now sleeping, her head was leaning into Ally. Fuck I hope they aren't dating. I've never seen such a fit girl before, she was beautiful. Her hair was a dark brown, it looked so soft I imagined my hands running through it. Lauren had the most beautiful pale skin and nice slender body. I wondered what colour her eyes were. I went through all possibilities and came to the conclusion that green would be the most plausible answer. The moment I saw her I had decided to get this girl in to bed. Lost in thought I didn't notice Normani nudging me. "Earth to Mila" she rolled her eyes and pointed to my phone.

Hey babe, on the bus yet? Hope Mani's been bearable.

D. xxoo

Demi is my girlfriend, we met at a club about 6 months ago and started sleeping with each other. Neither of us wanted it to be exclusive so we have an 'arrangement', sleeping with other people is fine. She's really just around for when I need the comfort, she's actually a really cool person. I replied telling her everything was fine and that I'd call her when we arrive in Paris.

I have been looking forward to this trip for the better part of the year. Mom and dad had told me that if I passed they would pay all expenses of the trip. Normani basically skipped around talking about all the Italian men we would meet. "Italian men are so lush" she daydreamed. I plan to study photography so I know that getting great snaps is important for my portfolio, that's a big reason why I agreed to come. The other is that I just needed to get a break, everything gets so mental at home on the holidays that getting away was a godsend. I live at home with my parents, and my younger sister Sofi. Dad and Mom own a gym in Miami. "Total body fitness for healthy results". Lame. My mom's a homophobe, the day I told her that I like girls she told me I was sick and suggested taking me to a doctor. I know, a fucking doctor!. Dad is alright, mostly just happy that I'm happy. He's a coward when it comes to mom though. Normani is more okay with it now but back then, well let's just say she can be a lot like my mom when she wants to be. Sofi is crazy, the day I told her I like girls she was over the moon, she ran out of the room yelling something about calling someone named Gordon Mcpherson. Eventually mom put down her sword and ever since she has been trying to set me up with any nice young man she can think of.

"Wake me up in 2 hours yeah?" Mani demanded more than asked. I just nodded and decided on looking through the DVD list on the back of the seat.

Movie and a half later and it was just hitting dusk. My ass has been numb for a near 35 minutes now so I stood and stretched my arm's, other people had been walking up and down the bus and chatting to their neighbours the whole trip so I guess the tour guide didn't give a shit if we weren't in out seats. I planned to pee earlier but by the time Virginia Woolf kissed her sister in The Hours I was too intrigued to move.

The toilet was occupied so I leaned against the wall and waited. Looking around, the bus looked more like a party bus with the amount of people that were jumping around.

The Kindest of Kisses Break the Hardest of Hearts [CAMREN] Where stories live. Discover now