Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

"Come over here" she smirked playfully sitting on the bed god you're beautiful I could feel myself being pulled closer, I didn't mind that my legs were now making decisions for me, being as close to her as possible is all I want. "So" she cleared her throat "what do you want Camz? Pinot Grigio or...." frowning at the bottle in her hand "cider oblivion" she proudly smirked. "Anything" just kiss me "just give me a fucking..." staring at her hypnotising lips "just give me a" our lips crashed together.

I know it's amazing because I can hear myself moan into the kiss, This is odd I push Lauren back on the bed hard sliding my body on top of hers I want to feel you "fuck, Camz" she moans as I plant rough kisses down her neck I need to feel you I can see her pulling her top off and I desperately want to look but my eyes are involuntarily glued to hers. Lauren lifts herself up using her arms and tilts her neck back, I don't waste a second, lunging forward to trail kisses on the perfectly pale skin on show. "Camila?" I retract my lips from her neck and look at her, she grabs the back of my neck pulling me to her lips but I feel nothing, it's as though my whole body is numb. "Camila?" I pull away staring into her eyes, Lauren just gives me a warm smile and leans in to kiss me again. I'm getting anxious because if I don't feel her soon I know something really bad is going to happen, "Camila?" I sigh against her lips "What Lolo?" I ask breaking away. Lauren beams at me, her eyes full of lust did she even hear me? I feel a finger brushing against my arm as Lauren brings me to her lips again but I know it isn't hers because hers are entwined behind my neck "Camila?" everything's black.

"mmm" I sleepily mumbled coming into consciousness "Camila" a voice hummed in my ear, I opened my eyes half expecting it to be Lauren but instead was faced with a pair of eyes, the wrong colour.


58 Tower Eiffel Restaurant

"Lauren" Luis waved in our direction jesus here we go rolling my eyes as I placed the knife and fork on my now empty plate and pushed it away. "Idiot" I mumbled as the figure beside me stood. He had been annoying me all day, whenever I turned my back he seemed to creep up and grab Lauren's attention, even the times that I wasn't near her he was there, either hanging around looking for an excuse to talk to her, or actually talking to her and it was annoying. I was annoyed, annoyed at him and annoyed at myself for being annoyed. "Shit" Lauren giggled, if she had of swayed a little further to the right I'm almost certain she'd have fallen on me but unfortunately lady luck did not seem to want anything to do with me tonight. "More drunk than you thought eh?" Ally teased from across the table as I grabbed the bottle of red in front of me deciding that the best thing to do right now would be to ignore Lauren and Luis. It wasn't that I was angry with her, I had no right to be, it was just that I was feeling rather jealous and that wasn't like me at all, I'm in an open relationship for Christ sakes. "Can you pour me some?" Mani demanded more than asked from beside me, as I filled the glass she was holding up I came to the conclusion that my annoyance and jealousy was due to the fact that I was feeling pretty drunk myself and the best thing to do would be to try and forget about dicksplash and enjoy the rest of my night, afterall I was having dinner in the Eiffel Tower right now, what was there to complain about?.

My positive thinking lasted for a brief 5 minutes after finally giving up the urge to glance over at Lauren. "Mani I'm leaving" I announced standing "huh? Where are you going?" she looked at me dumbstruck "I'm going to go introduce myself to that hot brunette over there who has been eyeing me off all night" my eyes flicked to the direction of the brunette that sat at a table to the far right of the room with two other girls, who had indeed been looking at me all night "and then I'm going to go dance" I told the back of Normani's head because she was now searching the direction my eyes had flicked for the girl. Normani shrugged and turned to face me "just remember to call me yeah?" she said as I grabbed my bag shooting a quick glance at Ally who was staring at me sceptically "of course" I smiled strutting off.

The Kindest of Kisses Break the Hardest of Hearts [CAMREN] Where stories live. Discover now