Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

"Hurry up Normani!" I yelled banging my fist on the bathroom door. It was day 2 of our holiday and we had both slept past the alarm, I would have slept the whole day if it wasn't for Arin and Harry running up and down the hall screaming. We had all gone clubbing last night and even though I got back at 4 I didn't end up falling asleep until quarter to 5, I had crawled into bed and thought about the night's events, Lauren kissed me. I hadn't expected that, one minute we were dancing (albeit rather sensual) and the next we were kissing like there was no tomorrow!. But that wasn't the part that kept me tossing and turning in bed, it was the intimacy, the way Lauren had kissed me felt so innocent, it was as though she was saying I want this, do you want it too?. It wasn't rushed and it didn't become anything else other than kissing, and that is the reason why it felt so intimate to me because usually when I hook up with people it's all about sex. First there's kissing, then grabbing, then eventually one of us will voice what the other one is thinking and then we will both end up having slept together, but with Lauren it was so different, we kissed and it led in to nothing, just holding each other on the dance floor. I probably should be running for the hills but this girl feels like a drug, I just want more.

"Fucking hell" I mumbled checking I had packed everything I needed in my bag. Knock knock, "Hey Ally" I said walking back towards the bed. "Morning" she hummed in after me. "You do know we have to leave in 40 minutes?" grinning at my appearance. "I didn't get home until late" I shrugged nonchalantly pulling a pair of denim shorts and a grey sweater out of my suitcase. "I know" Ally replied with an 'I can see through your soul' type of look. "Spoken to Lauren then?" I asked curious at what Lauren had actually told Ally about the night before. "No, she's a moody bitch in the morning, hence why I'm here".

45 minutes later and we were heading downstairs to meet everyone in the foyer, I had been rushing so much that I slipped in the bathroom and hit my leg against a corner of the bath and was now walking with a limp. I sighed taking my phone out of my pocket as Dinah came skipping towards us. "Bloomin ek Mila! What happened to your leg?" she asked concerned, "Dozy cow slipped" Normani answered for me rolling her eyes. Un-fucking-believable. "If you hadn't of taken an hour in the fucking bathroom maybe I wouldn't have had to rush!" I snapped back. "I can ask Siope to tell everyone to walk slower if you want?" Dinah suggested, "Siope aye?" Ally raised an eyebrow making Dinah's cheeks go bright red. "Oh Ally, he's super amazing!" she sighed "his funny and he likes all the same things as me!, dancing, donuts-" "It must be love then" Ally chuckled. "Do you think he would be my boyfriend Ally?" Dinah asked anxiously. Ally shrugged in reply. I waited for her to say something else but when nothing came I decided to break the ice. "Thanks Dinah that's really kind of you, for walking slow I mean", "Oh no problem Mila!" Dinah said dreamily staring at the elevator door behind us with a smile spread across her face.

We made our way over to the group who were lazily sprawled out over the red couches and a few chairs. My eyes scanned over everyone in search of Lauren, I finally spotted her, she was wearing grey jeans and a black long sleeved top and she had straightened her hair so it hung just above her shoulders. She really is rather beautiful I thought smiling.

Lauren was sitting next to a guy with short brown hair, light jeans and a white tee. I don't know what did it, maybe the way he had his arm snaked around the back of the couch behind her or the way he leaned closer to her whilst they laughed, maybe it was even the fact that he was making her laugh, but I decided to go over to them.

"Morning" I smiled at her sitting on the table opposite them. "Hey Camz" Lauren beamed "alright?", "Yeah bit hungry though" I said taking my camera case out of my bag and putting it around my neck. Ahem the guy sitting next to Lauren cleared his throat. "Shit! Sorry" she said looking at him apologetically, "Luis this is Camila". "Hey Camila, nice to meet you" he offered his hand, "You too" I forced a smile. As I shook his hand my phone started ringing. I pulled it from my pocket looking at the name on the screen. "I'll just take this" I said to Lauren who nodded before resuming a conversation with Mr. nice guy. I walked over towards a postcard display and answered.

C: Hey babe! Want a postcard?

D: sure, what do they look like? Demi giggled

C: Eiffel Tower, Mona Lisa, A small black and white café orrrr a dog by a river

D: ooo the dog! Definitely

C: So are you going in to work today?

D: Nope, Bruce can shove it up his tits, I did overtime everyday last week!

Camila giggled

D: How'd last night go?

"Mila we're leaving" Normani Yelled from behind.

C: Shit, babe I gotta go but I'll text you later yeah?

D: Sure! Have fun gorgeous

C: Byeee

I quickly went over to the reception desk and paid for the postcard before running to catch up with the group who were now making their way out of the front doors. "That's a cliché" Lauren chuckled taking the postcard from my hand and smirking at it. "You wanna see a cliché? Go look at the rest of them" I defended, "It's cute" I added examining the postcard in her hand. "It's a cute cliché" Lauren finalized.


This chapter was pretty short, but leave me comments or vote if you like this story!!

The Kindest of Kisses Break the Hardest of Hearts [CAMREN] Where stories live. Discover now