Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

"This place is like a fucking airport" I surveyed in amazement. Everywhere I turned there were people, groups of tourists huddled together, business men and women waking rapidly, kids bouncing around, security guard after security guard. It even looked like an airport, just minus the timetables. "You're joking right?" Normani gawped at the cue of people lining in front of what I assume to be the ticket desks. "Follow me" Siope led us over to a bunch of security guards lined against a wall. "Sil vous plait" he smiled to one of them. "It is rather crowded in here" Harry said from beside me sighing anxiously. "Just picture everyone naked Haz, that's what I do" Camila smirked eyeing me up and down. Shit she's picturing me naked! I felt a blush burn my cheeks. "Merci, merci" Siope patted the security guards shoulder.

"We must all go over there" he pointed towards an information desk "We will find the tour guide". We all followed Siope to the information desk where we met our tour guide, he was a young guy in his twenties, he had long brown hair tied back in a pony tail and he was wearing a nice shirt with black pants. "Bonjour, Je m'appelle Pierre, you can all call me Peter" he smiled to everyone, "let's go this way first".

The galleries felt like a never ending labyrinth, there was more than once where I thought Peter had got us all lost but then he would prove me wrong by taking us down another turning or up another staircase. It was almost as though I had found my way to wonderland. Seeing the Mona Lisa proved a hard task, there was so many people surrounding it that we had to literally make a train and have Arin push us through the crowd. I've never been much into traditional art but I did feel a little star struck by the sight, the fact that the thing had been stolen and then eventually returned was really strange and Peter explained the story in a really funny way, turns out the employee that had stolen it had ended up getting six months for it. "She is magnificent" Siope beamed at the Mona Lisa from beside me. I glanced over at Camila through the crowd, the way her eyes gleamed made my heart skip a beat, she was staring at the Mona Lisa as though she just wanted to kneel and worship her forever.

"That was well fun and everything but I'm super hungry" Dinah announced rubbing her belly as we stood near the pyramid taking photos. She was right, I felt like I had just run a marathon and I really needed something to eat. "Guys can we get a group photo in front of the pyramid?" Camila shouted from somewhere behind. "Hey you" came a friendly voice, I turned to see Luis grinning. "That was a bit intense wasn't it?" he laughed lighting a cigarette. "I feel like we've just come back from hiking or something" I laughed weakly. "Yeah it's a bit like that" he agreed nodding his head. "Lauren, are you coming?" Camila impatiently husked, clearly closer than what she had been a minute ago. "Hey Camila" Luis said as I turned to face the brunette that was now standing beside me. "Louis" she nodded. That was a bit weird? I frowned in confusion, surely Camila wasn't that bad at remembering names, she remembered Dinah's for Christ sakes. "Luis" he corrected her, not seeming offended. "Right, sorry" she didn't sound sorry at all. What the fuck? I frowned. "Lolo" Camila raised her eye brows holding up her camera for emphasis. If that wasn't the best nickname of all nicknames throughout history I don't know what is. "Right, keep your panties on" I grinned. Fuck shouldn't have said that I thought watching Camila smirk at me

"I can take the photo for you if you want Camilla?" Luis, my lifesaver, cheekily grinned causing me to burst out in laughter. Camila feigned a smile nodding.

"mmmmmmmm top notch" Arin hummed chewing his BigMac. "That's disgusting" I wrinkled my nose at him receiving a shrug in reply. We all dragged ourselves to McDonalds because it was simply the most convenient place to eat. I had ordered a salad and nuggets because I really fucking hate processed food, McDonalds is definitely at the top of my 'this is shit' list. "Lolo what was your favourite part of The Louvre?" Camila asked before taking a sip of her coke. "I'm not sure" I shrugged "I'm not really into traditional art but some of them were really beautiful" I answered smiling at her. "The statue was mine" Ally said disinterested from beside me. "You can't be serious?" Normani looked at her like she had just grown an extra head "It was the creepiest thing I've seen in my life!" she exclaimed earning a nod of agreement from Dinah who had a mouth full of cheeseburger. Ally just shrugged nonchalantly and continued to nibble on a chip. "What type of art are you into then?" Camila stared at me. "Street art, not just graffiti though, have you heard of Banksy?" she shook her head "He's this guy who uses stencils to make street art, amazing stuff, one of his pieces was Queen Victoria depicted as a lesbian, she is painted in a....compromising position" I chuckled picturing it, Ally clearly having the same train of thought. "I think I've heard of im' Laurenza aint he from Bristol?" Arin joined the conversation. "Yep" I confirmed. "He started in the Bristol underground scene" I said squeezing sauce on a nugget. "Why did he do Queen Victoria as a lezzer?" Normani curiously frowned "Queen Victoria believed women were incapable of being gay" I said biting the nugget. "bitch" Normani mumbled causing us all to laugh.

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