Chapter 5

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"Tour? What tour? HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS ARE GOING ON A TOUR!!" I screamed. "AND I'M COMING?!?!?! Hold up, what about Noah and Kailee? I'm like their mom right now...and dad. I can't leave them, even if I wanted to, there's no one to look after them. I mean, they can't stay at a friend’s house and Grandma's forever." I said, sitting down on the bottom step disappointed. I wanted to start crying. It was perfect until these too got in the way. There is nothing absolutely nothing we can do. I racked my brain thinking of a way to make this work, when Michael started talking.

"You're dad is quitting his job, he said he had been wanting to do it for a while, but you going away made him do it now. So he will always be home to look after the kids, and it's not like you need the money from him working, with your mom and everything. School is taken care of; you'll get home school with us. And we don't leave for another 2 weeks so you have time to say goodbye and do anything else you need to! Any other questions?" Michael explained, sitting down next to me. Well, I guess there is a way.

"So, my parents are okay with this? Like you already talked to them about it?" I asked, wondering when they did this. 

"Yeah, we've actually been planning it quite a while now! Isn't this great!" Luke said, and it really was great. Even though it was happening so fast and I was leaving to go on tour in TWO WEEKS, I was more excited than ever. I mean, I was going to see the world with my 4 best friends. I'd get to do everything I want, it was perfect. There was one thing that was bugging me though, how were they going on tour? They haven't even released a real album yet. 

"What tour are you guys going on? I mean no offense or anything, but you guys haven't even released an album yet, unless you somehow kept that from me too!" I said laughing at the end. 

"Oh no, here we go." Ashton said while all of them took a step back from me. "One Direction invited us to open for them on their American Tour!" 

"HOLY, OMG, WHAT, HOW, I CANT, I JUST, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M GONNA MEET ONE FREAKING DIRECTION!!!!" I screamed, running up the stairs then back down and up again. I can't believe it! I've wanted to meet One Direction since the day I heard What Makes You Beautiful and now I'm going to be on tour with them! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I ran around the house jumping up and down (which really hurt since I still had my heels on), screaming my head off, and eventually started crying because I was so happy! It was a dream of mine to meet One Direction, and now I will get to! I know every single thing about them and am definitely the biggest fan. I was pumped!  

"Are you done freaking out like someone just told you that you won the lottery?" Ashton asked sarcastically. 

"THIS IS BETTER THAN THE FREAKING LOTTERY!" I screamed back in his face.  

"I'VE BEEN AWAKE FOR AN HOUR AND I HAVEN'T EATTEN. SOMEONE MAKE ME FOOD!" Calum yelled at all of us from the kitchen door. What a goof. I walked half skipped half ran half jumped into the kitchen because I clearly wasn't very calm yet. I ran around in circles in the kitchen for about 10 more minutes before I started thinking about what to make. After about ten seconds of me searching through the cupboards to find something easy to make, I decided that since I was already dressed and stuff, I would take them out to eat. 

"Get in the car we are going to Nando's, my treat!" I announced, while all of the boys cheered, even though it was only about 9 in the morning. As we piled into the car, I realized I had never been so happy. I get to go on tour with my idols and more importantly my 4 best friends, what more could I wish for? 


"IF OOOOUR LOOOOOOVE'S INSANITY, WHY ARE YOU MY CLARITY!!!" Calum and I sung. We had just finished eating at Nando's and were heading back to my flat in the van. Cal and I were jamming out to the radio in the back while the other boys were being anti-social and on their phones. Whatever. Calum started the wave and I joined in shortly after. We looked like goofs, but we were having fun, so who cares? Once the song ended Calum and I settled down for about 2 seconds until Best Song Ever came on.

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