Megi POV:

Can't belive it's been 3 years ago my father and my brother Nate died. This Monday. August 7th 2013. How could time go so fast? I don't think I'm gonna be able to go to school. Let's don't think on that now, let's think about today. Today is school. Let's think about that instead, think what you should do with your friends today, hopefully just the usual. Hope they don't ask a lot how I feel about this Monday. I finelly gets to school with the school bus, there's like no one who goes with the school bus anymore because everyone has their own car. On the bus I was on, it was like me and 6 others. I see my friends outside the entrcence of my school. I went to them, says hi and stands there and small talks until the bell rings.

-See ya later, alligator, I say to them meanwhile I start to walk into the school.
-Please, Megi, don't be so nerdy and start to say that kinda of shit, my friend Yenna say.
-But Hey, I stil say good bye I say laughing.

My first class is art. I love art. My facorite subject, following by music and tecnic class. Those three subject are the main three subjects I would never skip otherwise I go diffrent classes time to time. Me and my best friends Amelia and Brenda almost have the same schedule so we share art, math, biology, history and music together, so they usually say what we have in homework in some subjects. So today you decides to skip all you classes, except art, because you don't feel to go.

-The plan for to day is to do some kind of art, like draw or make a mini statue, of what you feel, miss Gora say, my art teacher.

I'm feeling to draw a dark forest with a small light in the middle. The forest is supposed to me and the light is my brother and father, because after they died it felt like I went in a dark forest that I can't  come out from.

The day went on and I hang at a corner at the school's  parking lot, where it is like a roof with tree ingrown it. All I'm doing is sitting down, walk around a bit and small talk to everyone who comes and goes because some have some classes they want to go to.

-How are you, Megi?, Yenna asks when the clock is around 1.00 pm. Yenna is the closest friend of them I use to be with when I skips classes.

-I'm okey, I respond with tears in my eyes.
- No, you're not. Let's walk away and you talk to me, Yenna insists.

-Okey..  It's just that my brother and father passed away three years ago on this Monday. But please don't say anything to anyone, I say crying to Yenna when we have walked away a bit.

-Ohh.. I'm so sorry. Do you want to pretend it's nothing?, she asks me at the same time she takes you in a bearhug. I nod in her arms. We hug each other for like a minute or so before I'm  ready to go back in to school to get lunch.

The day go through pretty good and Yenna and some friends follow me home to hang out a bit.

-Hello mum, I yell from the hall.
-Hi, Mrs. Howy, my friends say when the see my mum Erin.

-Hello kids, she say. You see that she has been crying, but covered the most with make-up.
-Are you gonna study? she asks us.

-Yeah mum, we do it in my room, we work the best there, I tell her. It feels so bad to lie to my mum, but today is a day I have to. 

-I'm down here if you need anything,my mum say.
-Okey, I answer

When we get up we put on a movie thet we've seen a lot of times, "Mean girls". Yes "Mean Girls", One of the geekest movies but is still funny some how, you can call it a classic.  

Around 6.00 pm my friends  start to walk home.
Me and my sister eat around 7.00 pm and my mum sits with us but she doesn't eat anything. She just playing with the food and just stare at it during dinner.
The rest of the evening, we try to watch some Tv but she just sit in the corner of the couch and do nothing. Nothing at all. Until she moves to her bedroom for go to sleep.

A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter, even though it wasn't the longest chapter, longer chapters are coming, Soon does the chapter 2, that's gonna be about Liam's normal life. xxx Bella <3

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