Chapter 9: Our Past

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Gaster's Past

Ever since i made Sans and Papyrus i did my projects with them. I've learned that Papyrus doesn't attack only if its real danger and Sans follows my orders. So i won't have to worry about Papyrus getting in the way of the final project. The final test for Sans. Now i'm just missing a placement to it. Hmm.... Ah! A human. I need to go find one. Maybe it can help me.

I walked around the underground place  we lived in. I went to go check if Tori was doing ok because she and Asgore lost their kids. I walk to her house that was small but big in the inside. I knocked on the door and she opened the door. She looked happy then ever. "So what made you happy?"i said. "Well, Gaster i found another human. I found her by a rock when Asriel faded away." I nodded my head."May i see her?" I said with happiness. She got out of my line of sight to see a little girl with a green and yellow striped turtle neck. "Nice to meet you mister!" she said. I held out my hand and said," Whats your name?" She looked at me with no light in her eyes. " Its Chara." she said like see was mad at someone. Like she didn't like her name at all. "What a nice name." I said. I told Tori that i had to leave to get something. I asked her if she could watch the boys for me while i'm gone. She nodded her head. So i waved good-bye to her and the kids and went above. And thats when i meet Violet.

Sans's Past

Well when our dad left we had to stay with Tori and Chara. I really didn't like Chara that much. Not even as a friend. I protected my brother away from her so she didn't get close to him whiled we stayed at Tori's. Dad didn't come back until a 7 months was over. He said that he meet a girl that we might meet soon but not now. I wander how he met. 

I haven't seen Chara after she killed a monster and ran away. See i knew not trusting her would end up with her bad side. I saw her kill that poor monster. it looked like She enjoyed it like a madman would. She scares me but i need to remember what dad told me. 'Stay with your brother at all cost. Save him from danger. Be a true brother.' And i will always be true to Papyrus. I'm his protection until time ends. She will not take my brother or she'll have a BAD TIME! Its been awhile since i met someone nice. Besides Frisk. Shes a good hearted person. Ever since i met Violet shes so nice. She reminds me of Frisk. I like that.

Alphys's Past

While Gaster was our I had to fill in for him time to time and make up his work. He said that he wasn't coming back until he had what he needed. He took his Project 87 with him so he can do research on how and what to use it. He said that he needed a human to do it and it was the only way. " Gaster why would you say that a human is the only answer?" He turned his head slightly and said," Well you see if i use a monster the process would take years to do and i don't have all the time in the underground to do that. Now if i use human the process might take months to finish. I even get to learn how it has determination in its soul. So i study it while i do my project at the same time." I faced the screen that had cameras to the monsters we most loved. So we watch over them while their sleeping. I know it sounds creepy but we had to because of Chara killing the monsters.

Luna's Past

This was when i met Gaster in Snowdin and i was outside. My brother Derek or Dark went to find something he saw but never came back. I heard that there was a kid that would kill monsters for fun. That thing from above where all humans are selfish. I was about to freeze to death until a man with a lab coat came and put his jacket on me." Are you warm my child?" I nodded and looked at the ground. " You know you didn't have to do this right, mister?" He kneeled down and said, " Its fine with me. But you look like you were on the edge of dying. Do you have someone here that takes care of you?" I looked up and nodded." Well we take care of each other. But he is doing something and he hasn't came back. I'm worried." He reached out his hand." well why don't we find him?" I nodded and took his hand. 

We were walking and heard a soft cry come from a corner. I looked to where the crying was coming from and i saw a human girl and MY BROTHER  just lying their hurt and helpless. I told the mister and soon as he saw her he ran and said," Chara! Stop! Don't kill him!" I turned my head and heard what the mister said and i was angry. Did he say that she was going to kill him. Not on my watch. She is not killing the only family i have left. I ran to her and hit her to where i could get knocked out cold. I walked up to my brother and patched him up. I carried him on my back and i turn back to the mister." Thank you mister but i never got your name." He turned to me and said,"Its Gaster. And yours?" Turned to face the dark sky and said," Its Luna. Luna Knight. I'm a knight for King Asgore. And this is Derek, brother. Bye Gaster." He said good-bye and i went on my way to our secret place.




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