Chapter 11

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(A/N)- well I am alive!

Your POV

I woke up with my head pounding and my heart beating out of my chest. Where was I? Wasn't I just about to.....? Oh wait no wait was it just a dream. Tears started building up in my eyes. It wasn't a dream, he really did die. What was even worse was the fact that he could just flirt with her in front of me. Does he even care that I'm his best friend. Oh wait maybe he was with her right now. Maybe they are more than that. But I have no control over whoever he likes. I'm being paranoid. This isn't me. Argh I still can't stand her. She is such a bitch. Yet what the hell. Before I could continue my thoughts any longer the door creaks open and in walks the person who I didn't want to see.

Yup you already know. He gave me a smile and sat in the edge of the bed I was lying on. I didn't want to see him so I looked away even thought I wasn't looking at him I could tell that his expression had changed. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I turned around and started into his eyes. I asked him where he was. He calmly replied that he was looking everywhere for me and that he found me passed out on the ground. Why did he bother? I'm not important, not as important as her. I asked him if he really cared about me. Duh what do you think his answer was? Was he being honest?

"Stop saying that, I know you love her!"

So stop pretending like you care or know me!

"Wait who?"

I stood up and walked to the door.

"Have fun with Asuna, she doesn't deserve you'

I opened the door and walked out. I shut the door and with the sound of my footsteps, ran and teleported to the level that was supposed to be defeated today. Level 62. I can beat this myself. The knights of the blood oath don't enter till later this afternoon.

Time skip

I opened the massive door of the boss room and walked in feeling pumped with confidence. I didn't need anyone I can beat this stupid game with nobody's help. 4 giant monkeys leaped at me. I swiftly dodged and continued my assault. Slashing and attacking with my 'Scarlet Blaze". I felt a claw dig into my back. I yelped and turned around and killed one of the monkeys. I had about half my life points before I defeated the 3rd monkey. The last one was left and seemed to have transformed into something more terrifying. I drank a health potion and brought out the dagger that I gave to Jaden. Following my instinct I stabbed the monkey with my last bit of strength. The congrats sign flashed in front of me and I fell to the floor. Feeling exhausted but wanted to explore the next level. I pulled down my menu screen and healed my life points. Just as I was about to open the door to the next level, I hear the Knights of the Blood Oath behind me. They seem furious so I open the door and shut the door back. I didn't want anyone in a world I defeated and claimed on my own. I sighed and opened my eyes. The world around me was not what I expected. It's bright, too bright and really hot. I'm already sweating and my armor was sticking to my skin. My thighs started to sweat and my forehead was hurting. I removed some of my armor. I strolled around the place and found the most amazing place ever. A beach.

I changed into my swimmers and jumped into the water. Feeling my body relax and hydrate. I lay in the water and closed my eyes. I fall asleep in the water. I wake up in somebody's arms. I blink rapidly and yell. I was Kiritos arms. What was he doing here? He hugs me and goes on and on about how worried he was about me defeating that boss. I basically ignore him and start walking again. I was furious. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. His head rested on my shoulder and I halt. My heart thumping in my chest. A sense of security formed within me and I admit that I love him. Yes I am in love with Kirito. I turn to him and stare into his eyes. His face was so very close to my face. I gulp and unconsciously lick my lips.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a massive person filled with rage. I shift my gaze and wriggle out of Kiritos arms. He obviously notices something is wrong. He turns around and my hand is on the hilt of my sword. I could see clearly now he was a member of the knights of the blood oath. His sword aimed at me. I pull out my sword at rapid speed and block the attack. Kirito immediately paralyzed him. He fell and just lay there. Kirito started interrogating him. I just stood there thinking about what almost happened. I was seriously fangirling in my head. I snap out of my daydream when Kirito taps me on the nose and says I'm spacing out. He chuckles and says that I'm really cute. I blush and turned around and mumble that I'm not.

Time Skip

I lay on my bed and Kirito walks in without my knowledge. I feel ever so embarrassed after what almost happened before. He probably forgot about it. I start thinking out loud.

"If only he knew, he is so dense. Why does it hurt though?"

I sighed and then out of know where I here Kiritos voice say.

"Who is hurting you?"

My eyes widen and i go into shock mode but swallow my saliva and face him.

"No, Nobody"

He gives me a funny look and frowns. He sits closer to me. I pull back slightly and his hand lands on my thigh. I'm feeling very, very flustered. I'm praying in my head that he removes his hand from my thigh. Too much skin contact. I look up and notice that his face once again is very close to mine. I bite the corner of my lip and not wanting anything else to happen, I turn away from him. He embraces me in his arms from behind and then asks me again who is hurting me? I start getting angry and take his arms off my waist. I tell him that he is hurting me. he looks at me very confused and I get up from my bed and say...

"I love you!"

(A/N)- ( Korosensei's Laugh) Nuruhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!!! I shall leave it like that. I am evil!

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