Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story and please be nice on the comments as this is my first story. Enjoy! ^_^

Your POV

1..2..3..4.. 5 "LINK START!" I exclaimed confidently.

Login ID: (Username) (Password)

An array of lights and colours launched me into the world of Sword Art Online. Today was the day the game came out and as I was able to be a beta tester for this game.

The real game was much harder so I felt frustrated at the fact I couldn't experience everything. I knew all the routes and could easily beat the beta with the knowledge I had obtained.

But one thing was in the way, and that was one boy who triumphed over me in the last boss.


Creak... I slowly open the door to the last boss and waited to see what skills and power it has but as it said in the manual this isn't gonna be like it is in the real game so. I entered and observed my surroundings, my ears twitched at the sudden silence but wasn't able to hear anything.

My sword at my waist and my hand on its hilt ready to strike.
But nothing was there. I carefully walked in hoping not to set of anything and made my way to the middle of the room where the dim light was shining.

I could make out a small girl about the age of eleven. She was wearing just a plain white dress with nothing on her feet.

Her eyes where blood red and staring straight at me peering into my soul. I shivered at that but edged forward.

Drawing my sword with all my potions equipped, I was about a metre away when... A flash of black shot past me and dragged me into a daze.

"Huh" was all I could say as I just stood there frozen. The flash of black turned into a person and started attacking the girl. My gaze had turned serious as I realised the situation, I sprinted ahead at full speed only to be pushed back by the girl.

I started attacking the invisible shield and wondered why the boy could get through. Virtual blood pouring out of the girl while she stood there with the boy attacking ferociously.

Every now and then her health went down a bit but she did nothing to stop it, she looked just as in shock as me. All of a sudden she vanished

"He defeated her, how could he" I thought. She in fact wasn't defeated but had disappeared and now a banner hovered in front of the boy. All I could do was stare in disbelief.

The boy pulled down his menu and was given a warning saying that now the beta was over. I came to my senses and screamed.

"Y-you h-how could you get past the shield let alone defeat her... That was suppose to be mine." I whispered the last part. The boy turned and smiled while I gave off a menacing look. I was instantly pulled out of the game after being given a notification that the beta was over.

End of Flashback*

I walked around examining my surroundings and searching my menu for the closest shops. Walking in a beginners outfit I hastily ran through the town of beginnings to a shop loaded with swords.

I was racking my brain of how I was gonna find that mysterious boy, maybe he got bored and isn't gonna play it, but I need to ask him how he disabled the girl with red eyes and bypassed her shield. He was one mysterious boy, just who was he?

BANG! I slammed my hand on the table in front of me and yelled at the man who was supposedly selling me too expensive swords. The man looked at me with stern eyes and reduced it by 200 col, sort of satisfied I huffed and walked off searching for items.

I stretched my arms and grabbed my sword at my waist before charging at a wolf as they were stronger than the other monsters. I peered over to my left and saw 3 wolfs in hunting position and my eyes widen at the fact that I could die on my first day. Before I had time to react a wolf jumped on my arm and bit it causing my life to be severely damaged not long after I was surrounded.

Klein's POV

SLASH! The boar died in an instant as my new buddy explained the new rules of sword art online. Strolling away from the fields I notice a girl surrounded by wolfs and grabbed Kirito's shoulder. I followed his eyes and saw he had the same idea as me. We both ran to her and start slashing at the monsters.

Once they all disappeared I walked up to her and noticed she was gorgeous. My eyes filled with hearts but then thought she was much younger than me about 16. I faced kirito and whispered " She is definitely your type" with a few nods only to feel a sharp pain in my stomach and looked to see Kirito's fist there. I fell and lost half my HP, I climbed back up and introduced my self as Klien and single.

Kirito's POV

Noticing the girl looked terrified I moved my hand in front of Klein's face and he immediately stopped. I introduced my self as kirito. I told her I am sixteen and we wouldn't hurt her. She seemed unsure of what to do so, "Why don't you come hunting with us" I exclaimed. She tilted her head but then nodded.

We walked a fair bit till we stopped at a cliff overlooking a waterfall and lake, we were all awed by the scene but (Y/N) was thinking otherwise.

Your POV,

"M-my name is (Username), I am sixteen" I hastily said.
While Kirito and Klien where staring over a cliff, I was rethinking of all the things my parents said about not talking to strangers especially perverts.

These two boys seemed suspicious and while one had blue hair and with black eyes he seemed nice while the red head I wasn't too sure I should trust, but my instincts said to play along to it.
So I joined them with their hunting and exploring when my body rapidly turned white...

(A/N)- Sorry if it lame. I just felt like i needed to write. But it turned out to be totally off topic to what i had in my mind. Feel free to tell me anything i could change or ideas.

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