Ghosts - Derek Imagine

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Derek tossed and turned in his sleep, groans slipping past his lips as his legs kicked at the bed covers to relieve his body from the heat they brought. Suddenly, he woke with a gasp, sitting upright in his bed and looking around the dark room with wide eyes. 

It was the middle of winter, yet he found himself sweating; beads of sweat formed across his forehead and around the bridge of his nose. He was breathing heavily, eyes beginning to adjust to the darkness while they still skimmed around the room. 

There's no one there, Derek. It was just a dream. 

He'd been having weird dreams lately; ones where he could see himself sleeping soundly, yet this strange girl would appear out of no where and stand by his bed, simply watching him with a fond expression on her face until the sun began to rise. 

He had no idea who the girl was. No matter how hard he thought about her soft features and pretty eyes, he just couldn't figure out who she was, or why she was watching him in his dreams. He was determined to figure it out, though, even if it took him a lifetime. 

He reached over, switching on his bedside lamp before falling back against his bed, letting out a sigh. He stared up at the now-visible ceiling for the briefest moment before something caught his eye across the room. 

His gaze fell on a girl sitting on a chair that sat by his bedroom door, eyes locked on him. He let out a gasp, sitting upright in bed when suddenly everything seemed to click into place. 

That girl was the one he was seeing in his dreams. Was he dreaming now? No, he was very much awake. But how did this girl get into house... 

"Who are you?" He managed to gulp out, and the girl only smiled at him. 

"(Y/n)," Was her reply. "But you already knew that." 

Derek furrowed his eyebrows, "Uh, and how was I supposed to already know that?" 

She sprung up from the seat. "You've seen me in your dreams, haven't you? I've told you a couple of times but I guess you weren't listening," She shrugged as her smiled grew bigger, "That's okay, though. I think you might have been asleep," She skipped over to Derek's bedside, "Its nice to meet you, Derek." 

She extended her arm, offering a hand for him to shake, though Derek simply stared at it until she let it drop by her side again. He looked back up at her, "How did you get in my house?" 

"Through the front door." She giggled. 

"But, but its locked? Isn't it?" He began to doubt himself. Did he forget to lock the door before he fell asleep last night? It wouldn't be the first time it'd happened...

The girl shrugged at him, "Maybe. I don't know. I kind of... passed through it. I never really opened it." 

"What?" Derek gaped up at her, confused. "What are you talking about?" 

"I'm a ghost!" She answered simply, and Derek couldn't help but laugh at her. 

"Your a ghost," He repeated out of disbelief. He paused for a brief second before letting out a huff of laugher. "Right, okay. Now that you've had your fun, would you like to tell me who you really are and how you really got into my house?" 

"You're a werewolf, Derek, and you're finding it hard to believe that I'm a ghost?" 

He hesitated at her words, eyebrows furrowing as he glanced down at his bedsheets. She did have a point. Anything was possible in this world nowadays. 

With a sigh he looked back up at her, "I just‒Who are you? I mean, what are you doing here?" 

She plants herself on the end of his bed, legs crossed and hands in her lap while she chewed at the corner of her lip before answering him, "I'm still new to this kind of thing, but from what I've been told I'm here to... watch you, I guess? We're trained to watch over certain people and make sure they're safe, basically." 

That's right. He'd heard about people like this before, but he never fully believed they actually existed. He thought they were only something in children's story books and movies. But then again, most people wouldn't believe that werewolves actually existed, so he had to give her some leeway there.  

"So you're like my guardian angel?" 

She screwed her face up, "No. Not like an angel at all. Guardian ghost. Angels are the most stuck up things I have ever met. Not to mention they have it so much easier. I mean, they're all beautiful and funny and intelligent and way more approachable. Us ghosts always face the fear of our person rejecting us because honestly, who would chose a ghost over an angel? Its just.. Ugh!" 

Derek laughed as she rambled, cutting her off eventually, "You're lucky I'm one to chose a ghost over an angel." 

Her eyes snapped up to meet his gaze, orbs glowing against the moon light, "Really?" 

"Really," He reassured with a smile. "Now, guardian ghost, it looks like we have some catching up to do if this thing is going to work." 

She gleamed at him, shuffling up the bed so she was sitting closer to him as she began to babble about herself, all the while he listened intently to his new beautiful guardian while never daring to take his eyes off the way her mouth moved. 

* * * 

A/n: Part 2 maybe?? 

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