All About Us - Scott imagine

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Question: Who's your otp in teen wolf? I'm curious. :-) Mines Sterek *heart eyes*

Another question: Would you like me to make more of these dance/prom kinda imagines for another character/s? 

Song: All About Us by He Is We ft. Owl City. 


You trudged though the school halls on a Friday afternoon, the schools end of year dance posters masking the lockers and walls. You hated this time of the year, seeing as though you always had to attend by yourself, since no one ever asked you to go with them. 

This year was no different. All your friends had gotten dates within days of the dance being announce yet you were still here, two days before the dance, and no one had asked you. 

You approach your locker and you notice a slip of paper fall out upon opening it. You bend down, picking it up before unfolding it to read it, 


I have a question for you. There's something waiting for you in the music room first, though. Off you go. 

The note confused you, but excited you just as much. You loaded your books into your locker before hastily making your way to the music room, heart thumping at all the possibilities rushing though your mind.

You enter the empty room and notice a chair sitting in the middle of the room. Making your way over you see a rose laid on top of it, a note also attached, 

Hi (Y/n). 

Next ones in the change rooms. Don't worry, everyone should be gone by now. 

You slipped the note into your pocket with the other one and began to make your way to the change rooms, you were almost bouncing with anticipation by now. You pushed open the door and your eyes immediately landed on the rose sitting in the sink. You walked over, bunching it with the previous rose before reading the note, 


This is the last note, I promise. Off to the chemistry room you gooo! 

You were running though the halls now, slipping into the room but there was still no sight of who was leaving you notes and roses. Sure enough, there was another rose sat in a glass. You took it, noticing yet another note even after the persons promise that there weren't anymore, 

Okay so I lied. This is the last note, I really promise you this time. I still have a question to ask you, and if you haven't gotten sick of reading these yet you can meet me out on the oval, I'll be waiting on the bleachers. x

You slowed yourself down as you got outside. You couldn't catch sight of anyone to begin with, but as you got closer you notice Scott sitting there, a single rose in his hands. His head lifted upon hearing you approaching and he smiled, making your heart flutter. 

"Hi." He smiles, handing over the final rose. "Hi." You replied, smiling at him. 

"So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go the dance with me?" He asked, a sheepish smile on his lips. You thought you were dreaming, honestly. Not only was someone finally asking you to go to the dance, but it was Scott who was asking you. 

"I'd love to." You sighed. 


The dance soon rolled around and everything seemed to blur into one large mess until you found yourself walking into the gymnasium where the dance was being held. You were linked arms with Scott as the two of you walked into the dimly lit room. 

"Did you want to go dance?" Scott questioned, eyeing the group of people in the middle of the room dancing around to the music filling the room. 

"I'd love to," You say, "But I don't... don't really know how." You say, an embarrassed blush creeping up onto your cheeks. 

"That's alright," He says, smiling. "I can show you." 

He took your hand in his and lead you over to the group of dancing people. He turned you so you were facing him and he guided your hands up to wrap around his neck while he places his on your hips. 

By now butterflies had erupted in your stomach and you smiled up at him as the music started to slow down. 

"Okay, now step on my feet." He explains and you oblige, slipping your feet onto his. He held tightly onto you so you didn't slip and after a few minutes the two of you were rocking around in small circles, making you feel like you were in one of those romantic movies. 

The rest of the night was just like you were in a fairy tale, and it turns out that Scott isn't the best dancer ever. The moment a faster song came on he dragged you back out onto the dance floor and he ended up jerking around while flinging his arms around foolishly, making you laugh so hard you thought you were going to pass out from lack of breath. 

The night was completely and utterly perfect and you wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else. 

Teen wolf imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now