Marry Me? - Aiden imagine

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Something's not right. It hasn't been for the past few days. Aiden has been jittery, dropping things and stuttering, tapping his hands and feet on everything. This wasn't usual behaviour for him. Usually, he'd tell you if there was something wrong, or deal with it himself before you noticed. Most of his problems usually involved some sort of supernatural creature and he liked to keep you secluded about it all as much as he could and call up Ethan to help him, but this time no phone calls were made. He just sat around and not letting on about anything. 

The two of you were cuddled on the couch, watching some stupid TV show when he does it again. He changes the position of his legs. For the thirteenth time. Frustrated, you turn off the TV and turn to him, "Please, just tell me" 

"Tell you what?" He questions. 

"You've been acting really weird lately and I'm worried that I've done something wrong." You frown at him.

"No, you've done nothing wrong!" He sits so he is facing you and puts his hand over yours and squeezes it. "Don't worry about it, okay? My minds just been somewhere else lately. I'm sorry if its worrying you." 

You give up for the time being and turn the TV back on. You try to focus on the show that was playing, but as soon as Aiden changed the position of his legs again the show is forgotten about and you continue to count the amount of times he changes his position. 


You tried to forget about the whole situation, but as the week progressed he became more restless and you figured talking to him wouldn't be any good so you decide to try and figure it out on your own.

Once you finally had the house to yourself for a while you found yourself in Aiden and your's bedroom, fishing around in his section of the wardrobe, under his pillow, in the drawers of his bedside table, practically wherever you could think of, but you couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. 

"Hey." Aidens voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you look over at him standing in the door way. "I thought we could have kind of a dinner picnic in the park?"

"Uh," You're caught off guard. "Well sure, what about-"

"All the food's taken care of," he cuts you off, smiling. 

"Alright!" You smile back at him.

The two of you venture out into the warm night air and hop into Aidens car, driving down to the preserve. When you see the picnic basket and blanket set up nicely under a big oak tree, you can't help but smile.

"Is this why you've been acting weird lately? All over a little picnic?" You giggle.

"Kinda..." He sighs. "I just really wanted you to like it."

"I do!" You insist, pulling him down onto the blanket next to you. "It's perfect, I love it."

Aiden nods slowly and you pick up a grape, pressing it against his lips. He opens his mouth and chews the grape while you eat a grape too. You snack under the moonlight and stars, your heart and mind are at ease now, all it had been was a silly misunderstanding. He wasn't doing anything bad, he just wanted to throw you a picnic to make you happy.

"Thank you so much, Aiden." You glance over at him. "This is a wonderful surprise."

He blushes slightly, "Well... I do have one thing I want to say." 

Aiden proceeds to sit up on his knees and closes his eyes momentarily, taking in a deep breath before letting it out again, "I love you a lot, (Y/N). I knew the moment I layed eyes on you that you were meant to be my soul mate."

Your heart beat increases as he proceeds to switch his position to one knee. 

"I want to spend forever with you. I want you to marry me." He holds a little black velvet box between his long fingers, opening it to reveal a beautiful, simple diamond ring.

Tears prick your bright eyes and you hold your hand over your mouth. After all these years, he's finally asking. You nod slowly, unable to get any understandable words out. 

"Is that a yes?" He whispers with hopeful eyes. 

"Yes!" You manage to say though the tears that now fell down your cheeks. You throw yourself into his arms and he sighs with relief. 

"This wasn't too little? You didn't want a big, fluffy proposal?" He mumbles into your hair. 

"No, no. Aiden this was perfect," You mumble into his neck "I like the little things."

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