Guardian Angel - Stiles Imagine

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"I've fallen for your eyes but they don't know me yet." 

Guardian Angel!Stiles. 

* * * 

Everyone got a guardian angel when they turned eighteen, that was the way of life and you knew that, but you could never prepare yourself for the day it all actually happened. 

Stiles had been born into the guardian angel system, assigned a person to guard for the rest of his life. 

He grew until he turned eighteen, and then he knew he wouldn't be able to age another day until the person he was assigned to turned eighteen, too. 

That was how it all worked. The angel would be able to live a relatively normal life, age like any other kid, but as soon as they turned eighteen they had to start fulfilling their guardian duties; watching over their assigned person until they turned eighteen too. 

Then, the angel was sent to them and they were able to age and grow old together. 

Stiles had fallen in love with you from the moment he'd laid eyes on you, everything about you was simply incredible and he wanted nothing more than to be able to hold but he knew he couldn't. Not yet. 

Just a few more days, he keeps telling himself. Just a few more days. 


You woke on the morning of your eighteenth birthday, and at first it seemed like any other day until you suddenly realised that it was your eighteenth birthday. 

You sat up slightly, glancing around your room for any possible signs of your guardian angel, only to find nothing out of the ordinary. You fell back down against your bed, letting out a sigh. The nerves were beginning to bubble up inside you, mind wondering about what he could possibly look like or if he was nice or not. 

Deciding not to dwell on his characteristics too much, you hop out of bed and begin to get ready for the day, after all you could stumble across him at any point now, so you had to look your best. 

Just as you began to pull off your sleep shirt, there was a quiet "Um." that made its way to your ears. You spun around, eyes wide as you stared at the boy in front of you. Shrieking, you pull your shirt back down and out of pure embarrassment, you turn away from him. 

"Who are you?" You all but scream. "What are you doing in my room?" 

"I'm your, um, angel," He stutters back at you. "I'm your guardian angel." 

Your turned back around by his words, looking at him with fascinated eyes. Meeting your guardian angel while you were trying to change definitely wasn't the way you were planning to meet him, but it was a bit late to change that now. 

"Oh," You replied. "Hi." 

"Hi," He smiled, taking a step closer to you. "Sorry for, um, coming in without knocking, (Y/n)." 

Your heart beat sped up as he spoke your name, but you tried to brush it off. 

"Its okay..." You trailed off, and without really thinking about it, you were mumbling out his name, "Stiles." 

When you realised what you had said, you paused, gasping, "How did I know that?" 

Stiles was grinning as he answered you, "I'm your guardian angel, remember? We've been spiritually connected since you were a baby." 

"Right," You answer. 

"So," Stiles speaks up. "You must have a lot of questions." 

You nodded, "I do, but there's something that I'd like to do first." 

"And what's that?" He asks. 

You step up to him, hands shaking with anticipation. He's looking down at you and you truly believe you've never seen eyes as captivating as his. You find yourself getting so distracted by them that you almost forget what you were doing. 

You blush, stuttering over your words while you try to figure out how to ask, "Can I, um, can I..." 

"Kiss you?" Stiles finished. 

When you nodded and placed his hands on the side of your face, you swear your heart stopped beating. It only seemed to start again when he gently placed his lips against yours, thumping in your chest so hard that you thought it was going to beat right out. 

After you pulled away, neither of you stopped smiling. 

"I've wanted to do that for a while," Stiles breathed, letting his forehead rest against yours as a gentle chuckle left his lips. 

"Can you do it again?" You asked, and so he did. 

At the end of the day, Stiles couldn't have chosen a worse time to walk into your life for the first time, but you had to admit now that you've met him and gotten used to him being around, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

* * * 

A/n: I had no idea how to end this lmao

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