Scott Imagine (For @TrixRay)

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Looking around the room of the jewelry store you work in, you notice a boy walk though the doors. 

He looked around for a moment before he made brief eye contact with you, then turns away again, looking back at the jewelry. 

Thinking he was looking for jewelry for a girlfriend your jealous side came out. The thought of him being with someone else made a slight part of you wish he was with you, but you had a job to do, and after all you didn't know the slightest thing about him,  so you make your way over to him smiling. 

"Can I help you?" You greet, walking over to him. 

"I was uh, looking for something for my Mum's birthday..." He explains. Mentally you awe at him and your smile grows wider as you watch him look at the silver bracelets in a case. 

"See anything you like?" You ask, leaning close to him and watching him as he examines the bracelets again. 

He turns his head to look at you, his face centimetres away from yours. 

"The bracelets are beautiful, but the person I'm looking at right now is far more beautiful." He whispers, causing you to blush and lean back away from him, looking down at your feet. 

You stand there awkwardly for a moment before you clear your throat and look back up at him, "So the uh, bracelets. Do you see one you like?" 

He nods, pointing to a bracelet behind the glass casing. With a huff of breath you make your way around to the other side of the glass casing and open it, taking out the bracelet the boy was pointing to. 

"So this is the one?" You clarify. When he nods you place the lid on the box it was in and make your way over the the register, the boy following close behind you. 


Handing over the small bag containing the boys bracelet he smiles and thanks you, taking the bag from your hands. 

"One more thing." He says with a smirk. 


"Do you have a pen... and a piece of paper?" 

Confused, you reach to your side and hand over a pen and a piece of paper to the boy. He scribbles something down quickly then looks back up at you. 

"Call me sometime, yeah?" He slides the piece of paper over to you and walks off. 

As your boss, the boss that has a clear policy on no flirting with the customers, walks into the room you quickly shove the piece of paper into your pocket. Smiling to yourself you hurry to attend to other customers. 

* * * 

A/N: Thanks for waiting, hope you liked it! 

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