Chapter 5- Let The Good Times Troll

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~Hey guys I haven't updated in a while and I'm using my bro's laptop(; so let's get started shall we :*~

*Cher's P.O.V.*

As soon as the lads showed me my room I instantly knew that I was going to have fun in here. The room was baby pink with a baby pink chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was pink curtains behind the half bed with a little dresser beside it. On the bed were four pillows, two with writing and two that were just plain pink. In the corner of the room was a pink sitting chair that I adored! This room was totally me and I had to thank the boys later for choosing this room for me. I hope Liam wants to join me because I don't feel like watching a movie alone tonight. Usually when I have movie nights I have my adorable dogs, Sharon and Barbie. Oh how I'm already missing my babies.

I set my luggage and purse down in the corner and soon hear a crashing noise. As I went to go follow the sound I found myself looking at five complete, yet adorable, idiots in a dog pile. As I looked to my left I saw a broken pot right next to a football ~soccer ball depending on where you live~. That explains a lot. No one noticed me there so I decided to talk to get their attention.

"Well, well, well. It's only been what? Six minutes?" I say as I look down at my imaginary watch. "And you've already broken something. If I didn't know any better that's a new record? Yeah?"

All the boys soon got up off of the floor and chuckled. I saw Liam look down to the ground kind of flushed. Louis, however looked annoyed. I wonder what's his problemo.

"He's always like this a few days before tour starts." Harry said after snorting (ga-ross) and gave me a reassuring smile. Wait did I really say that out loud? I blushed a little and went to the kitchen. I was starving after all eating crisps and water on a plane can get really boring. As I walked into the kitchen I looked into one of the cabinets and after opening a few I thought I was in heaven. My mouth almost hit the floor when I saw all of the sweets that was in there. This was the perfect time to make my all time favorite desert.... KIT KAT LASAGNA! I took out all of the ingredients and set them on the counter. I wanted the boys to feel at home around me so I wanted to surprise them with the desert, but in order to do that I have to keep them occupied.

I walked out of the kitchen and told all of the boys that I needed a special butter from "Butter Town" wherever that is. They all believed it but boy did they not know what they're going to get into. As they left I ran into the kitchen and began to look for a pan. As soon as I found one I began my masterpiece. First I laid down Kit Kats at the bottom of the pan. As I saw how much Kit Kats I was using I began to wonder why they had this many. One boy popped into my mind... Niall. Oh well I hope he enjoys my desert. Next I sprinkled m&ms and marshmallows on top of the Kit Kats. My favorite part next, the graham crackers. Mhmm yummy. Now all I have to do is repeat and stick it in the oven for a couple of minutes.

As soon as the timer went off I shut off the t.v. and jumped off of the couch. The smell filled the air and it smelt so delicious. Whoever invented the Kit Kat lasagna is bloody brilliant! As I began to cut the lasagna the door starts to open and shortly after I heard someone scream Cher like a lunatic. I screamed back that I was in the kitchen. The first persons head that popped in was Niall's... of course. His face looked like a little boy's on Christmas morning.

I held up my dish and screamed ''SUPRISE! This is a gift from me to you. I want to thank you personally for agreeing for me to be on your tour with you and I am hoping everything can change and all of you can be comfortable around me... ALL of you." I said while I looked at Louis. Louis nodded and bit his lip as he looked at the floor. They all looked like they were dying and I forgot to pass out the Kit Kat lasagna so I started to put pieces on plates and handed them out. Zayn dropped a bag, which I'm guessing had the butter in it, and started to eat his slice. As soon as the boys took a bite out of the lasagna they all moaned out of satisfaction.

*Liam'a P.O.V.*

When everyone finished eating we started going to our rooms. Cher stayed back and was cleaning up the dishes so I decided to help her. It looks like she was thinking about something because when I moved next to her she jumped and mouthed an 'oh my god' while putting her hand over her heart. After a while we were almost done with the dishes (she was washing and I was drying) and I asked her if she was doing anything later. She had said that she was just going to watch some movies in her sick bedroom.

"Well the boys and I always go into someone's room and we play a few games. If you want, you can join us." I told Cher and gave her a sweet smile. I want Cher to feel welcomed here and I feel like she needs to get closer to us. Sure we were on the X Factor together but we hadn't spent much time with her. Cher looked at me and sighed.

"Uhm well I was going to have a movie night but playing games with the lads sound fun. I want to hang out with you guys more so we could be more comfortable with each other. Maybe later after we hang out with the boys you want to come watch some movies with me?" Cher responded throwing me off a bit at the end.

Lately I've been getting a little flustered around Cher and I really don't know why. It could be possible that I have a crush on her, but I don't want to because her history with Zayn and Louis. It would just be absolutely terrible to do that to my best mates, but in a way I wanted to get closer to Cher to see how she really is. Smiling I told Cher "I would love that."

*Zayn's P.O.V.*

As the lads and I are setting up our little game night, Cher and Liam walk in with his hand on her lower back. Now I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I am. Just because Cher and I broke up doesn't mean my feelings have disappeared completely. I'm just waiting for that right girl to come around.

We all sit down and decided that we were going to throw out some ideas of some fun things that we could do. Louis said Truth or Dare, Liam said Monopoly (boring!), Niall suggested Just Dance, I said Cluedo ~Clue the board game again it depends on where you live~ knowing that so far mine was the best because duh it just is. Harry said that we should play some boring SpongeBob game that he always wants us to play, and I think Cher beat us all. Cher's game was....... trolling. Although we've never been trolling we have heard about it and it seems like loads of fun.

Cher started explaining what things we were going to do. "First of all since we are famous people will recognize us so how about you guys let me give you makeovers? Yeah." Wait the woman didn't even let us answer! She just continued ignoring our protests, "Now we will discuss the things we will do when we go something called trolling." she said and wiggled her eyebrows. We all started cheering and clapping. We are such idiots.

"I'm going to have five things that we will do dedicated to each one of you. For you, Harry, we will go in a very busy place like a restaurant and yell 'WHAT TIME IS IT? ADVENTURE TIME! Get it? Got it? Good.

Now for you Louis, we will do my personal favourite called 'no not you.' On a crowded walkway you will stand on one end and I will stand on the other and once you see someone start walking towards you, you will start walking towards me and I will be right behind this man or woman. At the last moment you will raise your hand and say 'Hey! How's it going? I haven't seen you in forever!' and you will slap hands with me. The person in front of us will be so confused that they'll have to turn around!

As for you Liam we will do something not as slick but just as funny. Across the street of a bus stop we will stand in a line and scream 'WE ARE THE ADVENGERS!' Louis you will be Iron Man so strike a pose like him, Niall you will be the Hulk so choose a pose and choose a pose wisely, Liam you are THOR, Zayn will be Captain America, and Harry you will be Hawk Eye. As for me, I will be the Black Widow.

Niall for you we will go to a place with the most girls and there in front of EVERYONE you will show your bare bum!" Cher earned a groan and a couple of oooh's.

As for you Zayn, we will dress you up as a woman and call you Veronica. I want you to go up to men and try to get their phone numbers but if they say no I want you to talk in your regular voice to scare them and walk away really sassy. Now that everything is done we shall start makeovers!" Oh boy! Here goes nothing.

~So I left you guys with a cliffhanger but I hoped you enjoyed! I will be updating way more often and I hope this was a long chapter because I wanted to make up for all of the time that I haven't been on here. Oh and thank you everyone who read and is still read my fanfiction and thank you for getting me 1.1K reads! Please vote for my story guys! It would mean a lot but of course you don't have to! I love you so much, stay beautiful!~

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