Daryl's POV

It's been a few months. I'm scared I'm gonna loose her. Rick comes in trying to be quiet with those shoes he claims to be cowboy boots. They sound more like heels then anything. "She will be okay. She can fight through this." He tells me. I just sit there holding her hand looking down. I didn't want to reply. I didn't want to get my hopes up for anything. "You ha-" "I don't need to eat. I don't need to hydrate. I need her. She is my oxygen. She keeps me alive. She brought me back to life. I was dead. Dead for too long. I met her and something sparked. Nothing was the same." I say as tears began to fill my eyes. Making everything blurry for a moment. One fell and I just wiped it away. I saw him nod instantly and left the room. I couldn't stop the tears from coming. I laid my head on her hand gently and stayed there for a moment. I began to talk "please... Olivia. I love you. I need you. You keep me alive. I don't want to lose you. Stay here with us. With me. This world is so much better just with you being here. If your gone then every bit of me has left too! I ca-" carol comes in. She walks slowly towards me. I jump up and hug her. She has always been like my mom. Always been better than my real mom. She has been there for me since day one of this nightmare. She holds on tight whispering in my ear "it's going to be okay. I promise! There are only two outcomes of this now. She makes it or she doesn't. And none of it is our fault. Don't beat yourself up about this. I will always be here for you. Rick will. The whole group will. There is always someone to go to!!" I pull back and smile. She wipes away an escaping tear and smiles. Walking out she closes the door behind her gently and quietly. I stayed there. Going back to my seat I grab ahold of her cold, helpless hand. Nothing could feel worse then this. I can't do anything. I go back to talking but now with confidence in my voice. "Olivia... You can do this. I know you can. This life can't take you down. This life can't push you around. I am trying to keep calm. Trying to go on without feeling your hugs... Your kisses. Your touch. I am being patient. When you decide to come back, I will be waiting for you!" With that said I take a hold of her wrist and lay her hand gently on the bed again. I get up and walk out with my hands in my pockets. I feel a tear escape again so I take my hand out of my pocket and wipe it away quickly before anyone could notice. I head outside to check on everyone else.

Just Our Luck (Book Two of Dolivia)Where stories live. Discover now