Daryl's POV
I had the day with my doll. Nothing could have ruined that day. Other than the fact that she looks better in my vest than I did. But that didn't matter either. She looks good in everything so I shouldn't have been surprised. It was now dark. The street lights were on. I held her hand and we just laughed and talked the night away. We finally got back to the house. We went upstairs and I walked her to her door.
"I hoped you liked tonight Olivia!" I said joking around. She bowed and laughed.
"I certainly did. Thank you for the night"
"It was my pleasure." I took her hand and kissed the top of it.
"Until we see each other again!" I said smiling. She laughed. I just kept the smile on my face. I let go of her hand and I walked down the hall to my room. I looked back down the hall to her and she smiled. She waved before going into her room and I just stood there like a complete idiot. A few minuets after she left I smiled like the idiot that I am and walked into my room.
"Be a little bit more stupid?" I thought to myself. I plopped down onto my bed and drifted fast asleep. Dreaming about her, of course😘

{A/N: sorry it's short but I still hope you liked it! }

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