Olivia's POV
He was such a gentleman. That is not something that comes out of Daryl. It's rare. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as he kissed my hand. I was a complete dork. Standing there. Smiling weirdly.
"I certainly did. Thank you for the night" I said still with my hand in his. He looked me in the eyes.
"It was my pleasure" he replied back that just made my blood boil as it ran to my cheeks. He let go of my hand and now my hand was alone. It wanted the company of his again. He walked down the hall. I stood at my door watching him. I waved to him and he did a small one back. Going into my room I shut the door quietly and slide down it smiling. "Keep cool Olivia. This is normal for him to kiss you. I mean you guys ARE dating!" I thought to myself as my head rested in between my legs. I got up and grabbed two and a t shirt. Throwing it on I jumped in bed (literally) and covered up quickly. Thinking to myself about him. About us. About our future. I fell asleep. It became a dream and that was better. I didn't want to wake up.

{A/N: it's short. I know! But there is more to come so I hope you liked it!!}

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