Chapter 15

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The last thing I remembered was Alex putting a blanket over me, the TV playing quietly in the background, before I passed out.

Falling asleep and waking up in my own bed apparently was just something that happened to me now, and I couldn't find myself being too concerned about it if it meant I got a comfortable sleep. With a yawn, I sat up and immediately regret it, only to find that I have the sugar-hangover from hell.

With a groan, I made my way to the shower, trying to make myself feel more human. I felt grubby and unclean, shower needs to come first. I took my time in the shower, figuring that seeing as it was a Sunday, everyone would just be lazing around.

I managed to stick my hair up in a shampoo-induced Mohawk and I felt incredibly like Emma Stone in Easy A (I blame Austin for making me watch that two weeks ago). After getting dressed in the most comfortable clothes I could find (grey sweats and a jumper I could fold myself into), I made my way into the kitchen on yet another trek for juice.

I looked at the breakfast bar first, half expecting Alex to be there to supply me with witty remarks to kickstart my morning.

But there was no Alex. There's abundance in the lacking of Alex. And I couldn't tell why it bothered me so much. Juice in hand, I looked outside and figured it seemed like a nice enough day to stay out there for a while seeing as everyone else had seemingly disappeared.

I curled up on the lounger outside, engrossed with some book that Austin had loaned out to me. I was so engrossed, I didn't notice time passing, much less someone sneaking up on me. With the sensation of hands snaking themselves around my torso, I yelped and promptly jerked upwards – head butting whoever was behind me in the face.

The person spluttered and started hopping around the area, gripping onto their nose.

Who else would it be other than Austin?

No, really, think about it. Who else in their right mind would sneak up on someone that they already knew was jumpy?

I didn't say anything, just watched him flail around. After a few minutes of this, Austin removed his hand and wiggles his nose.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "it's not even bleeding. Drama queen."

He pouted at me, pointing an index finger in my direction, "blood does not signify pain."

"Well maybe you shouldn't sneak up on people!" I repled, good humouredly. He just rolled his eyes and took a seat beside me.

"I'm bored, you're bored. I thought why not be bored together?"

I raised an eyebrow, "how the hell would you know that I'm bored?"

Austin grinned and shrugged, "you're not the most social person, Sam."

"Can't argue with that," I mumbled in reply. Not once had I given him a reason to think otherwise. "What about you? According to my source you're swimming in popularity."

"I guess that your source is Kelly?" he asked with a quirk of his lip. My lack of response eggs him to go on. "I have a lot of friends, yeah. But no one I feel close to, y'know? Like this."

"Sap," I huffed, giving him a slight nudge. "For the life of me I can't imagine why though. You're the dorkiest person I know."

"Hey!" he chuckled. "And you're the cruelest."

I offered him a sadistic grin, teeth bared and all. Not unlike the expression I may have pulled once or twice when trying to get people out of my way. It's a talent I usually kept to myself.

"That's terrifying," he pointed out.

"So," I began in a drawl after a few moments of comfortable silence, "did you come over here for a reason other than being bored?"

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