Chapter 7

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The sound of a door shutting was what woke me up. My eyes frantically darted across the room.

Where the fuck was I?

The sound of a light snore to my left reminded me exactly where I was. I looked over to Austin, who was asleep in the strangest position I had ever seen. His legs were up on the bed, and somehow he was slumped over the side of it - face smushed into the wooden floor.

The fact that he slept like that was pretty worrisome.

So was the fact that someone was calling my name.


Austin too heard the voice and yelped, falling from his awkward position directly to the floor.

"Ugh," he groaned, out of sight. I winced in sympathy.

"Sam!" the voice came again, getting louder. Austin looked at me with wide eyes, not entirely sure what was happening. He probably wished he had asked me those burning questions the night before..

Whatever this was about, it wasn't good. I stood up, tugging back on my jeans and peering around the room for an escape route.

The window.

I darted over to it, now hearing footsteps very near the door. I cracked open the window and peered out of it.


The drop was too far and there is virtually nothing to climb down on. Unless I wanted to take my chances and hope that I only broke one leg in the fall, it wasn't exactly an option.

"Sam, I know you're in there," the voice was right outside the door now. Austin, noticing my distress, decided to intervene.

"I am not the Sam you seek," he said, voice lower than I had ever heard it.

As though that was going to make that even more convincing.

I rooted through Austin's belongings for anything that might have helped me escape. The window presented itself as the best option again, so I grabbed the duvet from the bed and stormed towards the window.

"Austin, we know Sam is in there," Austin's mother chipped in, voice just as stern.

"I'M NAKED," Austin yelled as the door swung open, trying for one more line of defence.

Alex quickly looked around the room, eyes settling on me with one leg poised to step out of the window, one end of the duvet tied around the bedpost and the other wrapped around my arm.

I was frozen in place and by the looks of it, so was Alex. He snapped out of it faster than I did, taking my arm in hand and trying to pull me away from the window.

Even with that motion, he was being gentle. But I wasn't paying attention to that. I didn't want to go with him.

"Alex!" I growled, trying one last thing and going to bite him.

"Did you just --" Alex cut himself off. There was no point in asking something he already knew the answer to.

Yes, I was about to bite him. Go ahead, judge me.

Then he slung me over his shoulder, as though I was a bag of potatoes he was talking back from the shop.

"Dude, you can't be serious," I exclaimed, smacking him on the back to see if he'd relent and let me down. But no. He continued to walk - carrying me out the door, past Austin and his mother.

"Thank you," Alex said simply, with what had to have been a polite smile, and bounded down the stairs, me bouncing on his shoulder.

"Jesus tits fucking Christ," I said each word after each lurch of a descent on the steps. "If you fall and squish me, I swear I'm coming back to haunt your ass," I threatened.

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