Chapter 24

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What the hell had I been thinking anyway?

Where did I think this would go?

I was walking the familiar path away from Austin's house (or, I suppose, running was going to be a more accurate description) - the steady thump of music from the house soon replaced by the rhythmic beat of my shoes on the pavement. I ran until my lungs burned, until my eyes stung. But I wasn't going to cry. This was all because I had been so stupid.

That I had deluded myself into thinking that I could continue with this.

Realistically, what did I think I was going to get out of this? Sleeping around behind my mother's back, with a man who was way too on track of his shit to possibly be into me.

Somehow, I had deluded myself into thinking that something could become of this. That Alex and I could continue on in secret for.. Shit, how long? Until they got married, until they had kids together?

Grow up, Sam.

Grow the Hell up.

Where was I even walking to?

When my eyes stopped stinging, I looked around. There was a light to a service station in the distance that I recognised, it wasn't too far from my house.

No, not my house. It was their house. Violet's, Alex's, Alice's and Kelly's.

It was their home.

I had just let it feel like mine for a while.

Shoving my hands back in my pockets, I headed back towards Violet's house.

Violet was getting busier day by day, her reasoning being that if she got all of her work out of the way now - she wouldn't have to worry about anything for the wedding and the honeymoon. I had agreed that that was a good idea at the time, if only to encourage her to stay out of the house for as long as possible.

The longer I walked for, the angrier I got.

Alex was responsible for this too.

Why would he do something like this to the woman he supposedly loved?

I got why I did it. Violet and I weren't close, and maybe at the beginning it was stemmed in that. Wanting to hurt her, with the additional perk of sleeping with someone I found attractive. Something that quickly moved away from that, and my purpose for doing it was because I wanted to. Because I wanted Alex.

And Alex didn't tell me to fuck off, like he should have if he had any sincere feelings for Violet.

So, yeah, I was pissed.

Pissed enough to hope that Alex was home so that I could lay it into him.

But the moment I opened the front door, standing in the hallway - chest heaving and fists clenched my sides, I knew no one was home. All of the lights were turned off, the air was too still.

All I could hear was my own ragged breathing.

And I was still pissed.

There was a note on the counter - letting Kelly and I know that they had gone to the movies and Alice was on a sleepover.

The ugly beast called envy bubbled in my chest.

Alex and Violet could go to the cinema freely together, hold hands and even kiss in front of the light of the screen without fear of someone spotting them. Because they were supposed to be together, they made sense.

Alex and I didn't make sense. It sure as shit might have felt like it at the time, but we didn't. Not really. Not when you really thought about it.

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