Chapter 23

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Parties were loud.

That might have been an obvious statement to a lot of people, but I didn't realise how true that would be until I actually showed up to one. Granted, it wasn't exactly like American high school movies portrayed. No one was crying on the front steps, no one was tossing around a valuable vase that would inevitably smash later on in the night.

It was just loud music and even louder people.

It had taken nearly an hour to get ready (Alex talking me back into going each and every time I convinced myself that it was a bad idea), much to Kelly's chagrin.

But we made it there in the end, Alex promising to keep his phone on him in case I needed to make an early escape. Kelly was dressed up to the nines, undoubtedly because this was Austin's party and she was hellbent on impressing tonight.

And from the looks her red dress drew in as we went inside, it was working.

"Go melt his brain," I even encouragingly said with a small grin, earning a wide one back before Kelly disappeared into the crowds to find the birthday boy.

Leaving me standing there, feeling beyond awkward and a camera around my neck.

Before I could debate sneaking out the back door, or at the very least go up to Austin's room and wait the worst of it out, two arms were thrown around my neck and someone was on my back - laughing loudly.

I didn't even have the guess who it was hitching a ride on my back, the action itself spoke loudly.

"Happy birthday, Austin," I said, looking over my shoulder at his grinning face as he secured his hold around my neck - legs tightening around my waist.

"What?!" Austin yelled back, unable to hear me over the music, and way too close to my ear. I winced.

"Happy birthday, asshole!" I yelled back then, even louder.

"Yeah, thought that's what you said," he chuckled back before pressing a kiss to my cheek and hopping down off my back.

"You enjoying the party?" I asked then now that we were facing each other, raising a brow at Austin's get up. Although at this stage in our friendship, I shouldn't be questioning any curveballs he threw at me. Austin was never going to be someone I was going to be able to predict, so I wasn't going to try and just enjoy whatever it was he sent my way.

Tonight being a completely mesh top and bright harem pants.

"I am now that you're here, duh," he quipped back brightly, brows furrowed briefly before he looked down to his own getup. "I'm the birthday boy. All eyes on me tonight, yeah? Speaking of, you need to immortalise this forever." He gestured to my camera.

I huffed out a laugh and started to set it up for a picture, as requested. And the moment the first flash went off, other partygoers were seemingly alerted that someone had a camera and came over to share (not steal, Austin wouldn't let them do that) his limelight.

Which is what I spent doing for a few moments, taking ridiculous upon ridiculous photo until Austin decided it was time for drinks.

He led me over to the kitchen, where there was an impressive collection of bottles for a party where I was sure no one was exactly legal. At least not in the U.S.

"I know, I know. But I didn't invite anyone that's going to go too crazy. It'll be a nice, chill night," Austin assured, pouring out two even shots and handing one to me.

I pulled a face.

"It's my birthday, you have to have a drink with the birthday boy," Austin pouted.

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