Chapter 10

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Austin and I talked for what had to have been best part of an hour before anyone came and interrupted us. We were talking about some book (or, well, Austin was telling me about it and I agreed about how stupid it sounded), us both lying on the floor – side by side. The door creaked open and Alice peered in with a curious expression on her face.

"Mom wants to know if Austin wants to stay for dinner," she asked, looking at us on the ground. Austin looked to me with a hopeful expression, as though asking for permission. I offered him a quick grin.

I had fun with him today, might as well let him take the awkwardness out of dinner.

"Love to," he replied, then looking back to Alice and grinning, smiling at Alice who gave him a brisk nod and ran off.

"She is the absolute cutest," Austin told me, as though I didn't already know.

I nodded, "I know." I let out a little sigh, biting a bit of rough skin at the edge of my thumb. "I don't think he knows she exists," I said quietly, more to myself than to Austin.

"Who?" Austin quirked. I could feel his eyes bearing into the side of my face.

"My father," I managed to say through gritted teeth. From the corner of my eye, I saw Austin narrow his gaze on me - his eyebrows creasing together in thought.

"He hurt you, didn't he?"

"Boys, dinner!" Alex's voice interrupted us.

Thank fuck.

I sat up, pulling Austin up with me and I left the room without a word. I shouldn't have said anything. Any good mood that I once had was long gone. Only Alex was in the kitchen, gathering the plates. I sat down, Austin resuming position beside me. A loud rumbling noise was heard and snapped my attention towards Austin's stomach.

"Did you hear that?" he asked me in a hush that was quieter than the noise his stomach just made.

"I'm pretty sure people in Canada heard you," I replied.

"Certainly did in here," Alex chipped in. Austin held his face in his hands and hung it there in shame. With a little chuckle, I pat him on the pat.

Violet came up behind Alex in the kitchen and gave him a big kiss that Alex looked a bit caught off guard by.

I cringed, looking away from them. Austin noticed and raised his brow at me, silent questioning. I shook my head, looking down at my hands as people began to come in and sit down.

It was only when I saw Kelly looking at Austin that I remembered her huge flaming crush on Austin. When she walked into the room she came to a standstill, gawking at Austin who was attempting to attach the tie he made out of a napkin onto my shirt.

Without a word, she sat down - but she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Austin only noticed her presence at this point, after he patted my new tie in approval.

"Hey," he greeted, as pleasant as anything. "You're in my year, aren't you?" Austin asked then and Kelly almost choked on her water. She nodded quickly.

Oh this is priceless. Kelly, who was so confident and sure of herself, was floundering.

"K.. aren? No, that's wrong, isn't it?" He pulled a face, knowing he got it wrong the moment he said Karen. Poor Austin, he was trying his best.

"Kelly," she corrected, her voice almost hoarse.

Is this what a crush makes people act like?

Having better social skills than I had, and noting the awkward strain of attempted conversation, Alice began to natter on and on about her day – leaving out the vital detail of karate. The kid was smart enough to keep that to herself.

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