Something Sharp (dark poem)

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As I lay here in my bed,

I think how it feel to take

My knife or something sharp

To my soft but scard skin.

As I dream of watching the flow

Of red go down my arm or leg.

I cant bring myself to do it,

But i think of my past and

I wonder should I.

Every summer or day I wish I was

Not a ghost but then again I

Could take sharp to skin and

No one would care or notice.

As I listen to music I feel more down

Then I go back to thinking something

Sharp and shiny with a black handle

Sits right there in front of me.

Little voices in my head whisper

Watch the red flow slow downwards.

Another says no think of those you love

They would be ashamed of you.

But I could watch my pain go,

But then I could just let myself

Suffer alone in the dark.

I think it could get me through

The year and years to come.

Then I think no not a good idea.

I could end up in the hospital,

Or maybe even six feet under.

Then what, I watch everyone

Down below have a good life.

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