Shadows are all around me
I sit here thinking
I wonder what you think of me
I hear the voices say
Fire and something metal
No knife just metal and fire
I think what's going to happen
How will this school year be
How can I keep moving forward
Then in the back of my mind
I hear fire, metal yes there
Will be scared but you can't die
I think about what others would
Think of me, I know I need
Someone but who will be there through thick and thin
The shadows keep whispering
They can cloud my mind, they done
It before they will do it again
I can't hurt no more
That shadows say it
Will all go away what
Will you do
Will you watch me suffer
Will you help me or will you leave me
The shadows welcome me
With open arms but will you
As I think the answer is no
Will you prove me wrong
I love my friends and family
But they can't fix what is broken
Only the shadows
Or at least
They can hide it.
Poems and More
ПоэзияThere is poems from people I like. There's poems I wrote. I write monologues, short screen plays. I'm going to post them for you guys check out, but please don't copy right unless you ask me first. :)