Chapter 7

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~Nicki's POV~
I woke up and checked my Twitter. Nothing important is going on so I decide not to post. I do my hygiene thing and walk out my room. I smell that damn Fabreeze again. I look down the hall and I see Tanya leaving her room. "Morning Nicki." "Hey T, you need to cut it with that Fabreeze shit alright. It's gonna give me a migraine." I say rubbing my temples. "Yeah ok." We both head downstairs and into the kitchen. My phone vibrates in my hand. I look at the caller ID and its Drake. So damn early. I answer the call.

Drake:Aye Nic it's me. Why didn't you answer me yesterday?
Me:Oh you know I was busy. I guess I didn't hear it.
Drake:Ok well do you wanna go out for lunch? There's a little café I wanna take you to.
Me:Sure how about 2?
Drake:Yeah that's cool well I'll see you then.
Me:Ok bye babe.

"Babe huh?" Said Tanya. "Oh right I didn't tell you yet did I." Tanya shook her head no. "Spill." "Well me and.." The front door opened  and Safaree walked in. "Safaree what's up?" "Sorry I didn't mean to just walk in like that but I wanted to know if you wanted to go to lunch?" Dammit I'm already going out with Drake! "S..sorry I can't go." Safaree's smile faded. "'s ok maybe next time. What do you have to do? Maybe you can squeeze it in when your not busy." "Safaree I'm sorry but today is just not a good day." "Alright I'll see you later. See ya Tanya." "Bye Safaree." Said Tanya. Tanya turned back to me. "Ok let's try this again." "Me and Drake are dating." "Wow! Cool but what are you gonna tell Safaree?" "I don't know. He doesn't know we're dating and I don't want him to be mad if I tell him." I say getting a pan out to cook for Tanya. "Well what do you think you should do?" "I'll just wait and maybe I'll talk to Drake about it."

~1:50 PM~

I'm all ready to go. I'm wearing a knee high red dress with black heels and I have natural makeup on I also pulled my hair into a bun. "How do I look?" I say spinning around so Tanya can see. "I love it. You look great." The doorbell rings. "It's unlocked!" Drake walks in wearing a casual outfit. "Hey Nicki you look nice." "Thanks." I say while putting on my golden hoop earrings. "Ok I'm ready to go." We get in the car and we start driving.

~Drake's POV~
"So how has your day been going?" "Mm you know kinda boring. I was just sitting around with Tanya all day." I hear Nicki gasp. "Baby what is it?" I ask startled. "I saw a sign saying that there a sale going on and it's at my favorite mall! Can we go pleeeeaaasseee?!" I looked over at Nicki's puppy face. "Ok sure." "Yay it'll only take a minute." I park the car and we walk in holding hands. Nicki is looking around excitedly and finds her favorite clothing store. "I'm gonna look in here for a minute." I nod and let her hand go. I stand outside the store and get on my phone. Someone walks up to me and I look up. "Oh hey Safaree what are you doing here." "I was shopping for Jordan's what are you doing here?" "Ok Drake I'm" Nicki trails off as she notices Safaree. "Hey Safaree what are you doing here?" "Not a good day huh?" "I..I'm sorry." "Nicki what's going on?" I ask confused.

~Nicki's POV~
"Safaree asked me this morning to go out to lunch with him after you asked me and I told him it wasn't a good day." "Nicki why did you choose Drake over me? I thought we were best friends." "We are! It's just that me and Drake are dating and I haven't been able to spend time with him so I decided to go out with him instead." Safaree looked hurt. "I'm so sorry Safaree I really am." "Nicki it's ok,'s fine." He walks away and tears fill my eyes. What have I done? I ruined my friendship with someone that I've been with my whole life. I feel terrible. "Nicki are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine." I say nodding and wiping my tears. We make our way back to the car after stopping at a few more stores. We go out to eat and I have a nice time. Drake drops me off at my house and helps me bring my bags in. "That's the last one." Drake says putting the bag beside my bed. "Thanks for helping me." I say as we walk back downstairs. "Anything for you." We say bye to each other and Drake leaves. I shut and lock the doors. Normally I'll leave them unlocked in case Safaree wants to come over but I didn't feel like seeing him. I went up stairs and heard Tanya talking. I walk up to her door. "Ok yeah well I gotta go. Mhm yeah I'll remember. Ok bye." I knock on her door and she opens it. "Hey Nic." "Hey." I say a little distracted. I see a little bit of smoke in the air. "Tanya are you smoking in here?"

~Tanya's POV~
I froze. "Uh no I got an air freshener you know the kind when you light a little stick and it smells good?" "Yeah well ok I'm going to bed I'm so tired. Don't stay up late ok you have school tomorrow." "Ok I won't." I shut my door. That was too close.

Will Nicki and Safaree stay friends? And air freshener? Ok Tanya maybe something else is up.

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