Dragon For Sale

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I couldn't find a dragon for sale. What kind of marketplace is this? No dragons? This is stupid... I walks around between booths and crowds, trying to find one. Not a really big one, there's no room in my cottage for that... But just a small one to have as a friend, a companion of sorts. But I couldn't find a single one... Dammit.

I walked around every single nook and cranny in this place and finally, finally! I found one! It's scales were a dark forest green that glimmer in the light. Eyes of pure gold that, if sold, would make someone rich. It has these small wings, the color of pine trees that were small and awkward against it's long body.

I ran to the booth and smiled and the shop keeper, about to pack her things up. "How much for the dragon?" I asked, out of breath and face flushed. "He's not for sale" she shot back, venom pouring out of every word. I frowned and pulled out my money. I had no clue how much it was but my grandfather said this is what he got for selling all 29 acres of his land. Surely it has to be a lot. I held it up to her and asked again, "How much for the dragon?". She grabbed the money from my hand and pulled out a bag from under the table. "I originally got him for my brother, but with this money I can get him something better. Here's the bag of things I bought him with, and a booklet on how to care for him" She smiled happily and I picked up the sweet squirming guy, scratching the top of his head gently with my nail. "Thank you" I grabbed the bag and walked off holding the dragon and the bag, not even looking up. I was entranced in this sweet creature and I would stare at him forever if I could. I held him up to my eye level and smiled at him. I pulled him close and nuzzled his body. He squeaked in surprise and I giggled. "I'm gonna name you squeaker!" I held him up proudly. And laughed as he wriggled in my hands a little bit.

"Well squeaker", I said as I brought him back down, "we're gonna be the best of bros!!" I smiled happily.

A/N: Wow she really inspires me to write alot... JinxxTheKiller <3

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