Destiel Crap

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     Dean walked up to Sam, his younger brother, holding a small, white, plastic bag.

     "Hey Sammy," Dean mumbled out, dropping the bag by his brother, "I got food. You hungry?" Sam smiled up at Dean, happiness somehow riddling his features.

     "Starving," He beamed up to his brother. Dean smiled softly and sat down next to him.

     "So, anybody else come by? Anyone nice?" Dean asked as he looked into their little plastic bin. A few coins clinked around sadly as Dean sighed and set it down, looking at the sign Sam held in his lap.

     Dean leaned back on the cold and unforgiving concrete wall behind him. He had never wanted this for his brother.Life was so unforgiving sometimes. He shut his eyes and tried to relax a bit before Sam grabbed his arm and shook him from his thoughts.

     "Dean, someone's here and he wants to talk to you," Sam looked up at Dean calmly. Dean looked at Sam and then up at the man standing before them. The man smiled gently and looked down at Dean and Sam, holding out a kind hand.

     "Hello, my name is Castiel Novak. I'm working on a project and would be delighted if you would join me," Dean cautiously took his hand and shook lightly. Castiel had somewhat long brown hair ans stubble around his cheeks and firmly set jaw. He was wearing what seemed to be a suit under a light tan trench coat and a piercing blue tie.

     "Here, let me help you up," Castiel offered Dean, holding out his hand once more. Dean took the hand and stood, standing at an impressive 6'1 to Castiel's 5'11.

     "So," Castiel started, "What's your name?"

     "Dean Winchester, and that's my younger brother Sam,"

     "Lovely. So Mr. Winchester, can I call you Dean?" Dean nodded a response.

     "Great, so I'm working on a project. Testing a theory, if you will. The question is 'How will a nicely, or better decorated sign affect the amount of charity that the person will receive.' In this case, you and Sam. Would you like to work with me on this?" Dean thought about or for a while and eventually nodded.

     "Sounds interesting. What would working with you entitle?"

     "Well, all I need is your consent and later today I would drop by with a new sign and we'll go from there," Castiel smiled and Dean thought for a bit.

     "Sounds good," He looked down to his younger brother, "What do you think Sammy?" The 15 year old smiled and nodded, agreeing as well. Dean looked back to Castiel and smiled.

     "Well it seems you've got yourself a deal,"

     "Amazing. I will be back in four to six hours with a sign. I look forward to working with you Dean,"

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