Amanda - Andy

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This is a story of a girl. Well the story was of a girl. Now she's a he and his name is Andy. But before I introduce Andy, let me introduce Amanda. Amanda Josephine Williams.

Amanda is the schools most popular girl. She wears the trendiest clothes and always styles her hair. Even in sweatpants and a dirty t-shirt she looked gorgeous. Amanda has been the "head girl" at every school she's ever been to. It's been like this from kindergarten and all the way up to sophomore year in high school. That's the year it changed. No, she wasn't thrown off the throne by some underdog chick, and no she wasn't bent on total school domination her whole life. She was battling herself, and lost. Now, let me start a few days before she found out about what was going on with her.

Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Amanda. Amanda Josephine Williams. I'm in my sophomore year of high school and I am the most popular girl in school. I have some of the best grades in the school. The only 2 who can top me are my best friend, Christopher Patterson, and the most hated kid in school. Her name is Jessica Frank.

It really bothers me that she's so hated. The only thing about her that's different is the fact that she was born with guy parts but identifies as female. She's transgender. She even changed her name and had a sex change. When she was younger, her family was rich and could afford these things. She was also the most popular boy in school. Sometime around sophomore year she found out who she really was and changed. Nobody liked that and still hates her to this day. It's been 2 years, why can't anybody get over it? She's a senior and everybody still talks about her transition in sophomore year. I wish people would respect her more.

In 4 days there's going to be a winter ball. Chris and I are going together because I don't want a date, and he doesn't want one either. Now here's a fun fact, we're both aromantic. No interest in dating whatsoever. At least we both think so for now. So we want to go with each other, make things less awkward and still have as much fun as possible. Now the only thing is what we're going to wear to the dance. I'll probably wear a dress, even though that really is the last thing I want to wear. Chris will probably wear a suit. He loves those stuffy awful things. I hate dresses and suits, but I want to look beautiful for this dance. Put make-up on? Of course. Do my hair? I couldn't live without it. A dress? Now that is where I draw the line. A suit? No way. So what on earth should I wear to this dance?

I sat there and thought. I thought about different types of fashion. What the hell am I going to wear to this dance? I really don't want to wear a dress... And a suit is totally off limits. I have to look nice for this... Damn, I'm stumped... I'll go see if Chris has any ideas.

I bounced up from my bed and slipped on my sneakers, not really caring that I'm still in my pajamas. I hopped down the stairs and grabbed a bag that had some stuff in it then ran out the door, only to open it seconds later and shout to my still sleeping parents and brother.

"Mom, Dad! I'm going to Chris' place!" I sprinted down the street and turned the corner. I slowed down to a walk and sauntered up his short staircase and knocked on the door.

"Chris it's me, Amanda! I need help solving a crisis! It's important!" I knocked a little harder and waited there, leaning on the wall next to the door. I heard a sound of unlocking and stood up, looking at the door and waiting for it to open.

"Jesus Amanda. It's too early for this." He yawned and opened the door for me to walk in so I stepped inside, smiling at him and pulling a sketchbook out of my bag.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Sleep later, we need to find out what we're wearing to the winter ball." She smiled and held out a pencil along with the book, silently asking him to draw some ideas for what they'd wear.

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